~Chapter Sixteen~

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~Chapter Sixteen~

"Severus my boy you need some rest." I heard Dumbledore's voice but I couldn't see him.

I couldn't see anything but I could feel that I was lying on soft bed with two people holding my hands. They both felt very familiar and as I tried to move my hands to trace them, they wouldn't budge. It was like my hands and my body was frozen.

"I will be here when she wakes up." The voice belonged to Severus and I realised he was one of my hand holders.

"Thank you for finding her Severus. My daughter is very hard not to like, I'm glad she's won you over." My second hand holder had been revealed, my father.

But where did Severus find me? I was so confused. The last thing I could remember was being in the forest with the two Barty's. Oh Merlin, I was in the forest with Barty Crouch Junior. He's back.

"What are you talking about, won me over?" Severus asked my father.

I'm glad I'm frozen for this. "It's obvious you have developed a friendship. We could be friends you know Severus, for Katrina's sake." My father sounded so hopeful. I knew what he was doing; he was trying to confirm an ally.

Severus remained silent but I really wish he would take my father up on his suggestion. "Headmaster Karkaroff I need you to fill out some paperwork as Katrina's next of kin."

As my father's hand left mine I felt Severus move my hair out of his face. "I know you can hear me. When I found you... my heart stopped. You were shaking so much; you were having a fit in the middle of the forest. I've never been so scared in my whole life."

I felt him come closer and hold my hand tighter. Bloody hell body just wake up, kiss him and tell him everything is going to be okay. "I'm so sorry about the other night. I was a coward for running away from you."

I felt him leave a light and quick kiss on my lips. It was exactly what my body needed to shake me out of its frozen state. "Hey dark eyes." I croaked out.

"Poppy." He shouted. Just like that Poppy, my father and Dumbledore came running in.

My father nearly squeezed the life out of me. "My darling daughter." He sighed.

"Can you remember what happened to you Miss Karkaroff?" Dumbledore asked in his calm voice.

Just then Mad Eye waltzed into the room as if he owned the place. At his appearance my hate started to burn but then I remembered who he actually was. He was someone that I cared about, not someone that I hated. He didn't cause any harm to my family, he did the exact opposite.

"Leave Mad Eye, my daughter has been through enough without having to see you." My father stood up and started to walk towards him.

"Let him stay papa." I said sitting up in the bed.

I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on me. No one in this whole school or world has seen me show Mad Eye any kindness. But to me he obviously wasn't Mad Eye Moody anymore. Barty must be here for a reason and I can't make a mess of it for him. I need to find a way I can spend time around him without people thinking something is up.

"I'm just too tired for an argument today." I lied.

I looked towards Barty but saw Mad Eye, this would definitely be something I had to get used to.

"I don't remember anything that happened." I sighed running my hand through my hair.

I felt a sharp pressure on my arm and the pain only intensified when I saw my arm. Severus was holding my arm and tracing the very faint black lines that created an outline of the Dark Mark.

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