~Chapter Four~

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~Chapter Four~

"Papa, can I ask you something?" I was having a butterbeer with my dad at a place called the three broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

"Off course my dear, what is it?" it isn't often that we get to sit down and have a conversation but I love it when we do.

I feel better knowing where he is and what he's doing. With Potter's name being chosen from The Goblet of Fire I know he's feeling anxious. I know my father, he puts on a good show but we all know who is connected to Harry Potter.

"How do you know Professor Snape?" it had been on my mind for a while now, well he had been on my mind.

He sighed and placed my hand in his. "We agreed to tell each other the truth a long time ago. I know Severus because he was a death eater, I'm so sorry I had to tell you this, my dear."

I felt my heart sink. "What do you mean by was?"

"Prior to The Dark Lord's downfall he turned spy for Dumbledore." I could feel my heart beat slowly start to quicken.

"What will happen to him when he returns?" I dared to ask.

I saw the fear flash through his eyes whenever we speak about this. "That I do not know my dear. Severus is smart, he will think of something."

"I'll do anything I can to protect you papa, anything." I promised. I must be able to do something.

"Now you listen here, Katrianna Xiomara Karkaroff, I will not allow you to put yourself in any danger because of me. You will always come first." He almost growled.

I crossed my arm over my chest and glared. "Papa, I love you but Katrianna is a real tongue twister and you can't stop me from protecting you. We promised to protect each other."

He used to put me to bed every night and read me a story. At the end of the story we'd make the same promise every night. 'I promise to protect you my princess' he'd say and I wouldn't let him leave my room until I replied with 'and I promise to protect you papa'. It was a silly thing we used to do but there was always truth in it. We don't have to say it anymore, we both know.

He laughed and I could see his yellow teeth. "That we did, my dear."

We were laughing and catching up when Snape came bursting through the door with a look of thunder that would make anyone want to run and hide. Not me, I would never give him the satisfaction. My father gave me and Snape an odd look but then rolled his eyes.

"Severus." my father nodded in acknowledgement.

He's only ever nice to me. He feels like he has to keep his guard up with everyone else, I'm the only one he truly trusts and he's the only one that I trust.

"I've come for Miss Karkaroff. she missed her detention with me last night." He kept his eyes on me but he was talking to my father

Oh crap, I'm so dead.

"Katrina..." dad said shaking his head.

I stood up from my seat and brushed away non-existent dust away from my robes. "I apologise Professor. I know you don't want excuses but I honestly forgot. It wasn't intentional."

"Miss Karkaroff, I don't care if you intended to or not. You have just earned yourself a week's worth of detention. Maybe that will help you to remember next time." He sneered walking out of The Three Broomsticks.

Normally I'd fire back with a witty comeback but I knew that I was in the wrong. For someone like me that is a really hard thing to admit. 

"Katrina... please try and stay on Severus's good side." He pleaded.

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