~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

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~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

I looked at Severus, but he was not looking at me, his eyes were dangerously fixated on Barty. The room was suddenly cold and silent. That was until Severus lifted Barty by the collar and slammed him against the cold hard stone of the office. A surge of pain hit my back, but I held in my reaction.

"She is not yours." His dangerous voice was very sexy.

"Do you like the way she kisses you Severus?" Barty laughed taunting Severus.

He slammed him into the wall again and I clung onto a chair for support. I guess we had our confirmation that my life was linked to his. Looking closer to him I could see faint scratches on his face that match my own. He must have felt when the bush attacked me in the maze.

"Barty." I pleaded trying to intervene.

Barty looked at me dead in the eyes. "I just want him to know who taught you to kiss Rena. I think I should be given some credit." He laughed.

Severus punched Barty hard in the face and this time I could not hold in the pain I felt. Severus dropped Barty like a sack of potatoes and came straight over to me. Clutching my bleeding lip while Dumbledore restrained Barty definitely felt like a low point.

"Fuck I forgot. I'm so sorry my love." Severus kept apologising which only made Barty laugh harder.

Severus ripped part of his cloak and pressed it against my bleeding lip. "I don't know what he is talking about Severus, I never kissed him." I was so confused because I was around 6 years old when I last saw him. Barty is obviously messed up but that is a bit too far.

"I might have looked a bit different. I got really good at Polyjuice potion last year as you can tell." He smirked flicking his tongue out at me.

"Annamalia." The realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.

Barty smiled at me. "You asked me to teach you how to kiss and I fell for you. It was never meant to be like that, I just wanted to check in on you, but you were so lonely." I looked down in shame. I always felt bad because I new those kisses meant more to Annamalia than they did to me.

"Who is Annamalia?" Severus asked looking completely lost.

"She was my one and only friend at Beauxbatons." I answered.

"Wait... what did you do to the real Annamalia?" Deep down I knew what he had done but I needed to hear him say it.

Dumbledore still had him bound to a chair and I was happy about that in this moment. "I killed her. Once you needed me, I couldn't let you bump into the real girl."

"You should not have done that." I shouted walking out of the room. I could feel my heart slowly turn cold against him. It was the betrayal, the lies I just had enough of all of it.

I could hear him screaming for me as I walked further away but I was dead on the inside when it came to him. Before moving to Hogwarts, I thought Annamalia was the one person who got me, who I could count on. Now I know all of that was a lie.

I remember asking her to teach me how to kiss. When I was at Durmstrang for the holidays there was this boy I liked called Dimitri who chose to stay there over Christmas as well. There was an almost kiss, but I got too nervous and chickened out. I went back to Beauxbatons after Christmas and to my shock I made a friend, so I asked for her help.

But it was not my friend Annamalia, it was my childhood friend Barty who is now in love with me. Perfect because who wants a simple life?

Knowing Dumbledore, I went straight to his office to await his judgement. Sitting in the empty office was nice. I had not had a minute to myself all day and alone I could finally think. So much had happened today. Even after the Barty situation the one thing that kept going over and over in my mind was that terrifying Boggart.

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