~Chapter Twenty~

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~Chapter Twenty~

The next few days consisted of similar activities for Severus and me. I was in heaven. But I started to feel a bit guilty that I had not been spending anytime with my father.

We had agreed to sit together in the dining hall for dinner tonight to catch up and I think I want to tell him that I'm seeing someone. I know he will go into full overprotective mode, but I am so sick of hiding my relationship, I'm in love and it's gut wrenching I can't show it like everyone else does.

As I was walking through the halls, I saw Viktor and Hermione chatting and laughing away. "Hey guys." I said deciding to swallow my jealousy that they can sit and laugh together and approach them.

Hermione was always so smiley for a girl that has as much weight on her shoulders as me. "Hey Katrina, how are you? Can't believe Professor Snape gave you a detention yesterday." She sounded so apologetic, but little did she know I would have said yes to any detention with him after what he did to me.

I laughed. "Oh, I'm Snape's favourite, he loves spending time with me that's all." Felt nice not to lie. Not that Hermione had to know I was telling the truth.

They both laughed. "Yeah imagine Professor Snape actually liking someone's company. I feel sorry for him though. Maybe if he had someone, he wouldn't be so difficult."

I cannot wait for the day she finds out about me and Severus. Her face would be a picture. "I vould have thought Snape vas just Katreanas type." Viktor chimed in.

Hermione stopped laughing and looked confused. I also had a confused look on my face. I never thought Viktor Krum would be the first person to connect the dots on my relationship. I suppose he has known me for ages but in all the time he has known me he has never seen me like someone.

"What do you mean?" I asked intrigued.

His fingers went to his temples. "vell he's dark and... vhat is the vord..."

"Mysterious." Hermione was straight in without him needing to explain.

"What just because he's dark, mysterious and sexy doesn't mean he's my type." I chuckled nervously.

"We never said sexy." Hermione said accusingly.

I started to laugh and shake my head. I tried to come up with a witty comeback but there was just nothing. How could I spin saying that Severus is sexy to not sound like I fancied the pants off him? God did I fancy the pants off him. Had to snap myself back into reality for a second and forget the images of Snape's muscles flying through my mind.

"Are you ready for dinner my darling?" My father said coming up from behind me.

"Yes!" I said dragging my father away.

I am never going to live this down.

My father looked better since I had taken his dark mark, but I could tell he was scared for me. He no longer chased Severus around asking for advice. I saw him sitting by a tree the other day just staring up at the sky. It was nice, refreshing to see.

As we took our seats at the Gryffindor table, I couldn't help but gaze up to the teachers' table. There he was my Severus looking as handsome as ever. I wondered if my father would approve of my relationship with him. After all he does make his daughter happy and I am positive that he will do anything he can to protect me.

"How are you feeling Katrianna?" he smiled. He had a kind smile my father. I seem to be the only person he shows it to but if you look past the rotten teeth all there is, is kindness.

"I'm actually great. I know it has been difficult recently, but I've been spending time with my... friends and I've been having fun. My knowledge has been coming back and I'm starting to see things more clearly." I opened up to him.

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