~Chapter Twenty-Four~

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~Chapter Twenty-Four~

I told Hermione I would catch up to her so I could put the final touches to something I have been working on for Viktor. With whatever Barty is planning I didn't want him walking into the maze with no help.

I found a book on Sev's bookshelf on protection charms. I didn't want to give Viktor an unfair advantage by making him stronger or anything like that. He would never forgive me if he won but not by of his own skills. All I wanted to do was make sure he had help if he was in danger.

Looking at the crystal in my hand made me feel better about letting him enter the maze without knowing what Barty's plan was. I placed it into the gold bowl I found and focussed my energy and magic on melting and wrapping the gold around the crystal.

Lifting it in the air I pricked my finger to add a drop of my blood to the melting gold. Adding my blood to the crystal will allow me to feel when Viktor is in danger.

I split the crystal into two pieces and shaped them into stones that fit into two bracelets. One for myself and one I will give to Viktor as a good luck gift before the tournament. I will also be able to track him easier with having a bracelet for myself.

Wearing my new bracelet eased my nerves slightly as I made my way to the final task. However, on the way I bumped into Harry, literally bumped into him. "Oh, I'm sorry." I grumbled.

I still did not like him, but he looked so tired and stressed. "Harry?" I asked a slight concern forming.

"It's okay you don't have to pretend you give a damn." He said sinking down into the wall.

"I'm not just going to leave you here like this." I sighed sitting next to the damaged boy.

"My best friend still has a scar on him from when you 'lost your temper'. People don't exactly feel safe around you." He said scowled.

I felt sad thinking back to when my anger was so out of control. Locking the Weasley boy in the potions classroom and assaulting him in front of my boyfriend was not my finest moment. Although the dark part of me fed off the memory.

"Come on Harry I know what I did was awful, but haven't you ever let your darkness take over?" I stumbled.

He looked at me with his emerald green eyes. I have heard stories about those eyes, how they look like Lily Potter's. Looking at the eyes of my boyfriend's first love was unnerving.

"You take it too far." His eyes were beautiful but unkind.

"Didn't you feel a connection to the darkness when you destroyed Professor Quirrell in your first year?" I laughed.

"It's not the same." He glared.

"Maybe you should learn to be more forgiving. But you are your mother's son." I whispered the last part, but he heard me.

I felt weird knowing more about Potter's mother than my own. But I loved how comfortable Severus was starting to be and how much he was opening up to me. Talking about Lily has been especially difficult for both of us. I hate how much heartbreak he had to go through but it makes us stronger to confide in each other.

"What are you talking about?" He said suddenly interested in a conversation with me.

I shook my head. "For too long we've both been defined by our parents and our pasts. Can we become our own people?" I begged.

I stood up and slowly extended a hand to him. "Please." I pleaded.

He stood up without my help. "I have a tournament to win. Try not to kill any of my friends while I'm competing." He said nocking my shoulder and walking away coldly.

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