~Chapter Two~

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~Chapter Two~

"Wake up sleepy head. You've already missed your very first breakfast here and you really do not want to be late for Professor Snape's class." Hermione said shaking me awake.

"Leave me alone Hermione." I grumbled into my pillow. I was nervous last night about my classes today, so I did not sleep very well.

I felt her grab a fist full of my covers and rip them off me leaving me cold and moody. "Fine, fine, I'm getting up." I sighed.

I was lucky to have Hermione as a roommate. I think my father asked Dumbledore to room me with someone nice who would look out for me. Last night when I came in, she made sure to show me around and she helped me pack away my belongings.

She went through the timetable with me last night and my first class was Potions with Professor Snape. I was nervous because I have never been any good at potions, but I wanted to make a good impression on Professor Snape.

Hermione grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room. "Come on, I want to introduce you to my friends."

On the way to meet Hermione's friends I was still pulling up my tights and sliding on my shoes. I really needed to learn to wake up earlier.

"Katrina this is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley." She beamed pointing to two boys in front of me.

Harry Potter. I do not know how I managed to miss that lightening scar sitting on his small forehead like a trophy. A trophy for putting an end to the Dark Lord and his loyal followers.

It is strange to think about what my life would have been like if Voldemort were not defeated. Would I be facing initiation because of my father? Or would I be killed because of my lack of knowledge for academics?

"Hi, I'm Katrina." I smiled trying to be polite.

It hurt to think that I might have had a father for the first few years of my life had it not been for this boy. I remember when he got out of Azkaban. I was so excited I was going to meet my father that I dressed in my favourite sparkly pink dress and decorated the house with pictures I had drawn for him.

For most of my life I was raised by my grandmother. She said my mother left as soon as I was born, and she was not worth a sad thought. I have no desire to find my mother or have anything to do with her. I have all the family I need with my father. We look out for each other, we always have.

In the first few weeks of being released from prison my father could not sleep without night terrors. I call them night terrors and not nightmares because they were so much worse than your normal startling nightmare.

He would sometimes injure himself without even waking up. He would scream so loudly I could hear from four doors down and I would rush in with my grandmother to try and wake him up and when he did, I would be his focus.

I would lay with him and tell him stories to try and make him laugh. A lot of the time it worked but sometimes he was just too far gone in his night terror. Even when I had him back, he was still lost.

The boys were kind and said hello to me, but we did not have long to chat before we needed to enter the potions classroom. We took our seats not directly in front of the Professors desk but one row behind. Hermione said that Snape holds a particular dislike for Gryffindor's but because of his handwriting we had to sit as close as possible.

"Miss Karkaroff." My head snapped forward to meet my professor's piercing gaze.

"Yes sir." I said cautiously.

"There must be a reason a nearly 17-year-old is in a class full of 14-year-olds, so I hope you pay attention in my class." He said embarrassing me in front of everyone.

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