~Chapter Fourteen~

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~Chapter Fourteen~

The cold night gave me goose bumps. Mad Eye smirked as my father draped his coat over my shoulders just as Severus started to unbutton his. We waited until no one was around to start talking.

"What's this about?" I asked getting straight to the point. I was perfectly happy dancing with Severus until we had to come out here.

"The minister of magic will be arriving shortly and he asked if you'd have lunch with him." Dumbledore had a plan.

He wouldn't ask me to talk to Barty if it wasn't necessary. It was even hard being in the same room as Barty when we had the Triwizard champion incident. Before he was arrested I knew Barty's son. I was six nearly seven if I can remember correctly and he was nineteen.

He often visited my Grandmother and we formed an unlikely friendship. It still angers me how I didn't even get to say goodbye. He has to spend the rest of his life in Azkaban and I can't even see him.

With my father being a convicted Death Eater they won't allow me to visit in fear that I would pass on information. I can't even write to him to thank him for being my friend when I didn't have any. Barty Crouch Senior took that away from me.

"Why would I want to do that?" I complained.

"Katrianna watch your tone." My father warned.

Mad Eye laughed but for once he didn't give his creepy smirk, he smiled. I found it unsettling. But really I find everything the man does unsettling.

"He said you knew his son and he has something for you." Dumbledore smiled.

Part of me wanted to scream that I didn't want anything from that man but the other part was curious to what he could have for me. I didn't know which part of me was stronger.

I wouldn't have even thought Barty Senior thought about his son, ever. He didn't even have to think twice about putting him in Azkaban. He gave up on him when he could have helped him and taken care of him.

"With all due respect Headmaster, why am I involved in this discussion?" Severus looked irritated with the whole conversation. I guess I forgot to mention to him he wasn't the only Death Eater I befriended in the past.

"Ah yes Severus I was wondering if you could accompany Miss Karkaroff to this little meeting." Mad Eye snorted again.

If my glare didn't shut him up then Severus stopping my hand from punching him did. Dumbledore didn't even seem fazed and my father was trying hard not to laugh.

"As long as Miss Karkaroff agrees." He nodded.

I looked at Severus and smiled. We never got round to having a first date or anything remotely similar to one. We mostly just have stolen kisses here and there. If we leave for this lunch thing early then we can spend some time together.

"Most students would have at least a small whine about being with Professor Snape longer than one would have to." Mad Eye hummed.

He knows. My worst enemy knows one of my most treasured secrets. I looked first to my father and thanked god he was shaking his head at him. I then looked at Severus. I don't know how he got so good at hiding his emotions, his face was blank.

"I'm just ecstatic that it's not you Mad Eye." I growled walking off. I'd had enough of him today.

I kept walking until I found myself at the potions classroom. I heard footsteps follow me and I knew I didn't have to wait long until Severus joined me.

I sighed. "I know what you're going to say."

Only I didn't get to finish my sentence because he scooped me up and carried me all the way to his quarters. Half-Blood Prince he whispered which made his door open. As we entered his room the fireplace lit up and he set me gently down on the floor.

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