Chapter 37

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-----August 27th-----

Y/n's POV 

Jordan and I were sitting in his room after longingly discussing how much I had messed up.

"Okay now tell me what you're going to say to him." Jordan said.

I pulled up the piece of paper that was sitting beside me and started reading off of it.

"Cedric, I really don't want it to end this way. I feel the same way you do but just got a little too insecure I guess, please let me make it up to you, Cedric I love-"

Jordan quickly interrupted me. "Y/n, no offence, but you sound like a child reading off a poem that they wrote for their parents. You need to be more smooth with your words."

"What do you mean smooth? Personally, I thought I was doing good until you interrupted me."

"Do you want my help or not?" He asked.

I slouched down into the chair and onto the floor dramatically staring up at the ceiling. "This fucking sucks, why didn't I just tell him yes?"

"I couldn't tell you, you were the one who made the decision."

"You know what, ima just wing it. Worst case scenario he hates me and decides to never talk to me again." My eyes widened as I said that out loud.

"That doesn't sound like a good plan, Y/n." Jordan stood above me and held his arm down for me to grab.

I grabbed it and he effortlessly pulled me off the ground. "Well, it's good enough for me. I'm putting too much thought into this." I said.

"I can't stop you, but promise me you won't go on a five minute rant about how much you messed up."

"Okay I won't...hopefully." I walked over to the door and opened it up. "Goodnight Jordan, thank you for your help."

He nodded. "Let me know how it goes tomorrow."

"Will do." I shut the door and walked down the stairs.

Next morning (Sunday)

"Do you know where Cedric might be?" I asked Blair who was working on homework at our shared desk.

She turned around in her chair. "Y/n, he told us what happened last night. You guys need a break from each other."

"Blair I'm not going to argue with you, I know I messed up and it's all my fault, not his. We don't need a break, I just need to make things right."

Blair flipped back around so her back was facing me.

"So are you just not going to tell me." I asked.

She let out a sigh and eventually gave up. "He's down in the great hall, I assume."

I grabbed the paper that Jordan and I had written last night, just in case, and got up and walked over to her, wrapping her in a hug. "Thank you B."

I let go, and ran out of the room.


I walked through the halls quietly reading off the note to myself until I got to the great hall.

Taking in a deep breath I walked around the corner and into the room.

Cedric was standing up from his seat. I stood there for a second before both of our eyes met.

He began walking towards me. "Don't fuck this up again." I whispered to myself.

As he got closer I took in another deep breath and began to speak. "Ced-"

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