•Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV

Still dripping wet, I ran out of the room to go talk to Eric. He has no right to be mad at me, he was too busy talking to Ava to even notice I was gone.

I ran out into the Hufflepuff common room. Blair and Luke were sitting on the couch, proving my point that they are just attached at the hip.

"Eric!" I screamed, making Blair and Luke turn around.

Eric kept walking forward, ignoring my yell.

I ran as fast as i could up to him and grabbed his arm, "Eric just listen to me!"

He ripped his arm out of my grasp, "I don't want to listen to you anymore Y/n!"

"So that's it Eric?" I threw my arms up in the air. "You're just going to run away to your new girl without letting me explain myself?"

"New girl?" He questioned.

"Don't act so oblivious Eric, you know i'm talking about Ava!"

"Ava is just a friend Y/n."

"Just a friend? She  shouldn't even be that. She literally tried to ruin both of our lives this year Eric."

"No she didn't Y/n..."

"Eric! Do you not remember finding me crying after what she did, or shall we have to go over it again? Or how about Serena yelling about her best friend and her brother fucking in front of all the students in the great hall?"

"No, Y/n trust me I remember that! She has changed though."

"That doesn't matter! She will always be the same old Ava in my head no matter what."

"Then that sounds like a personal problem to me!"

"Is she the reason why you have been so distant with me?" I yelled.

"No Y/n, the reason why I have been so distant from you is because your so god damn clingy!"

I felt a tear drip out of my eye

"You know what Eric."

"You know what Eric" He mocked me

That individual tear turned into multiple

"That's it"

"That's it" He mocked me again

I took a deep breath and tried to contain my tears but my emotions took over.

"We are fucking done!" I screamed and started storming away angrily.

"We are d-... Wait no, no, Y/n stop. I was just kidding okay?"

I turned around to look at him before walking back up to my dorm

"Just kidding?" I questioned.

"Yes, it was just a joke, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down Eric, you need to grow the fuck up, it's over..."

I ran up the stairs leading to my dorm. I bumped into Serena who was walking down the stairs towards Eric, Fuming mad.

"Serena before you say anything-" I said in a sniffly voice.

She interrupted me, "Don't worry Y/n, I know what happened." She walked down the stairs towards Eric.

I didn't want to hear what she was going to say to him so I ran up into my room balling my eyes out.

As I walked in I saw Cedric walking out of the bathroom with his soaked shirt in his hand.

"Y/n, what's wrong?"

"Sorry Ced I-"

He walked over and wrapped his cold arms around me.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Y/n. I'm here for you."

"Thank you." I let out a sigh of relief as my eyes began watering again.

He pulled me to the back of the bed with him and laid down, resting my head on his chest.

"We don't have to talk about it right now, okay?" He ran his hands down the side of my face and brushed his thumb on the top of my jawline.


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