•Chapter 14

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It had been nearly three months since Serena and I had got into that fight. And to no ones surprise, she still hasn't forgave me. After I quickly realised that my constant pleads of forgiveness were being ignored I gave up.

On top of that Blair had been on bed rest for all of week. She broke her foot while playing Quidditch with her brother. Chris, being the caring person he is, felt bad. But the only thing he could do was let her rest. Now that everyone's going home for winter break, she's off of bed rest and is happily heading home.

I, however, have been dreading this. Serena and I's families always spend Christmas together. So with everything going on, I tried to convince my parents to let me stay here with Cedric for Christmas. Them, not knowing who he was, obviously declined and demanded that I come home.

Over my break with Serena and Blair, Cedric and I's relationship was growing real fast. This most definitely upset Eric sometimes because of how much time I've been spending with Cedric on a daily basis. But I constantly reassure Eric that I am only interested in him. He's always needed that little bit of reassurance.

Eric had spent the night in my dorm last night while Blair was in the hospital wing. And when I finally woke up I noticed that I had about 2 hours before we had to leave. I woke up to the sound of Eric opening up the bathroom door. And by the looks of him, it was obvious that he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He said, lightly shaking the water out of his hair.

"It's all good, I had to get up soon anyways." I yawned.

He smirked at me, "How do you look so cute in the morning?"

"I don't," I sternly responded as I stood up.

"Don't say that about yourself."

I smirked at him, "Make me."

He ran over towards me and tackled me, throwing me back onto the bed. I began laughing like crazy as he started to kiss my neck, slowly working his way up to my lips which led me to wrap my arms around his back.

We were both too focused to hear the footsteps that were coming up the stairs leading to my room.

Blair walked in and covered her eyes with her hands "Uh I don't know what we just walked into, tell me if I can open my eyes."

"Blair you can open your eyes." I rolled mine at her, "And what do you mean, we?" I asked as I sat up.

Cedric walked through the door, It was evident that Erics mood had changed right once he saw Cedric's face.

"Oh, hey Cedric." I smiled at him.

Eric got up and put his shirt on. "Sorry, I have to go, I'm gonna help Chris pack up his stuff." He said.

I knew Chris had already packed up his stuff, Eric just needed an excuse to leave.

"Oh well okay, bye Eric."

He gave me a kiss on the forehead before walking out the door slightly shoving his shoulder into Cedric's.

"Well that was rather awkward, but I just need to grab my last bag and i'll be out of your way." Blair said, grabbing her bags and walking out the door.

"Hey Ced, what's wrong?" I asked him in a calm voice.

"Nothing, I just wanted to come see you before you left, I still wish you could have stayed." 

"I know, but I will definitely stay next year, I promise. I'll find a reason to convince my parents."

"I shall look forward to that then." He laughed and we walked down to the train station.

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