•Chapter 3

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The sound of my alarm clock going off, echoed throughout my room.  I opened up my eyes with excitement and shut it off.

I quickly got up to get ready. I began rummaging through my closet to find an outfit to wear.

I was in the middle of debating between two outfits when Draco walked into my room and began ransacking my desk.

"What the hell do you think are you doing?" I whispered and walked over to the door so I could shut it, trying to avoid getting in trouble by my parents.

"I need a tie." He continued rummaging through my desk.

I rolled my eyes, "You have thousands, go get one of your own."

"Not anymore, I packed all of them."

"Then I guess you will be going without a tie because I do not have time for this, Draco."

"Y/n..." His eyes widened as an idea sprug into his head.

He quicky grabbed my tie that I had put in a pile to pack, and started running towards his own room.

So I quickly chased after him.

My mother was at the bottom of the stairs when she noticed Draco and I. "Y/n! No running in the house!" She yelled.

I quickly stopped my path over to Draco's room so I could answer her. "Sorry mother but, Draco took my tie."

My mother huffed, "Draco, give your sister back her tie."

He rolled his eyes and unwrapped the loose tie around his neck. "Just take it." He held it out and I grabbed it.

"Thank you." I said smugly as I walked back over to my room.

It soon went quiet so I went back into my closet and picked out an outfit.

A/n: it's been four years since I wrote this and I have come to realize this outfit is ugly LMAO

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A/n: it's been four years since I wrote this and I have come to realize this outfit is ugly LMAO

After getting dressed I went downstairs to see Serena and Eric waiting for Draco and I at the bottom of the stairs.

"Couldn't wait to leave?" I asked Serena and she nodded.

"I've already said bye and everything, I'm so fucking ready to go." She said.

"Me too, let me go say bye to my parents then we can get out of here."

I walked out into the kitchen where my mother happened to be.

"Shouldn't you be leaving soon? Wouldn't want to be late for your first day."

"Yea, we are going to head out now, I just wanted to tell you goodbye."

"Well goodbye darling, don't get in too much trouble, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled at her before walking out of the kitchen and back into the foyer.

My mother acts like a completely different person when she's not around my father. I really prefer it this way.

"We're ready to go now." I said and we all walked out the door and headed to the train station.


Once we got to the crowded station I pulled out my phone and called Blair.

No answer.

"Okay well I guess Blair is just going to have to find us on the train or something-"

I was quickly interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around my shoulders from behind.

"Don't worry, we made it on time." Blair spoke.

"Yea, but don't get your hopes up for next time though." Chris set down the seemingly heavy bad he was carrying.

Blair and Chris' family was very chaotic, but a good type of chaotic, much like the Weasley family.

"Where are your parents? I want to say hi to them, haven't seen them in ages." Serena asked.

"They should be coming along, we just got a little mixed up from one another-"

Suddenly we all saw her mother push through the crowd to get to us.

"Ah, speak of the devil." Eric laughed.

She finally made it through the crowd and joined the circle we had all formed.

"Sorry guys, I a little lost back there." Blair's mother said and she looked up to all of us. "Oh my, I haven't see you all in ages! You're getting so grown up!"

"Yea, It's been a long time Mrs. Salvatore." I responded.

"Oh please dear, call me anything, but that. Auntie, Mum, Jessica, it's all up to you." She comforted me with a smile.

I returned the smile and she walked over to hug Blair and Chris goodbye.

"Goodbye darlings, have so much fun."

Looking back over to Serena and I she said "Just keep them out of trouble for me, won't you?"

"Of course, Mrs. Salvatore." She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "Oh, sorry, auntie."

"That's better," Her smile remained prominent on her face.
We all eventually boarded the train. Serena, Blair and I got separated from the guys so we went into our own cabin and settled down.

"Have you seen Cedric at all today?" Blair asked.

Serena looked over to me. "Hey can you hand me my bag?" she said.

I slightly ignored her.

"No not at all, who knows maybe it was just a one time thing." I replied to Blair.

"I don't think it was a one time thing there were literal sparks."

"Can you han-"

"There were not sparks what are you talking about it was just-"

"For gods sake Y/n would you hand me my bag!" Serena exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry, my bad." I handed her the bag.

A couple minutes of silence went by and I eventually dozed off while laying on Serena's lap. I was awoken by Blair poking me.

"Y/n, Y/n...Y/N!"

I shot up from Serena's lap and saw Cedric standing in the doorway of our cabin.

His hair was all messed up and his tie was slightly undone. He looked slightly suspicious. 

"Hey, I told you I would meet you on the train." he said, charmingly smiling.

Blair and Serena raised their eyebrows at each other.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I was going to come find you but I fell asleep, would you like to come sit with us?"

The brunette pushed his hair out of his well structured face, "I would love to, can I bring my friend Luke?"

"Of course!" Serena said, winking at Blair.

"Perfect." I could have sworn he winked at me before walking out to get his friend.


Completely unrelated but I have flashing lights by Kanye West stuck in my head.

I think after every chapter im going to tell you what song is stuck in my head that day lol. That could be the theme song of each chapter.

Okay im doing that.

Thank you for reading!


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