•Chapter 18

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-----January 4th-----

Y/n's POV

Cedric and I walked into the great hall hand in hand. Since everyone likes to cling onto small rumours we had gotten a couple weird looks. Ignoring these people, we sat down with Luke and Blair.

Blair looked up at me, "Y/n, I have to ask you something." Blair said

I furrowed my brows, "Uh yeah, whats up?"

"What's going on with Eric and Ava? I saw him get off the train and meet up with her."

I sighed, "Sorry but I have absolutely no clue. I just walked off the train and noticed that they were talking."

"Ava's a major hoe." Luke added on.

Blair flicked him on the nose, "Don't say that so loud."

I laughed at them, they have the cutest relationship. They've become that one couple who you never see one of. Like they're attached at the hip.

Blair turned her attention away from Luke, "Lets just collectively agree to not tell Serena. She will beat his ass."

If i wasn't lying, I wanted her to. Ava had done way too much for us to even be acquaintances. Yet Eric is treating her as if she's a close friend.

The feeling of pair of hands grabbing my waist pulled me out of the trance I was in. I saw a flash of orange hair and instantly knew who it was.

"Hey Fred."

"Hey Y/n," He swung his leg over the spot on the bench next to me, "So wanna prank Filch with me and George?"

I thought of my agenda for today and remembered Cedric and I's plans, "You see, I would love to, but Cedric and I have plans."

"Ah okay, well how about Friday night?." He asked.

"Most definitely." I looked over my shoulder to tell him

"It's a date then." He winked at me and walked back over to his brother.

"A date..." Blair said tearing a piece off of her bread winking.

"Why are every single one of you so invested in my love life? Oh! and on top of that I have a boyfriend."

"I know that but where is he? He's off with Ava." Blair answered her own question.

I rolled my eyes at her and looked over to Cedric "Come on I wanna give you your Christmas present." I grabbed him by his hand and pulled him off the bench.

"Bye then!" Blair yelled in a confused voice.


"Cedric without a doubt likes Y/n, don't you think?" Blair whispered to Luke.

"It's painfully obvious." he whispered back to her. "He looks at her as if nothing else in the world matters."


After making  our way down to my dorm I went pulled a box out of a drawer from my desk.

I threw it into Cedric's lap as he handed me my gift.

"Open yours first I think you'll like it." I told him with a big smile as I sat down next to him.

"Alright." He said, unwrapping the present.

He tore all the wrapping paper off and got to the box. He pulled off the top and inside the box was a gold ring with a badger engraved on the side of it.

Cedric was never seen not wearing rings, it just became a known thing.

He slid it onto his finger, "Thank you so much, I love it." he pulled me into his arms. "Now open up yours."

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