The End

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7 Years Later

The room was dark with only beams of moonlight shining onto the floor through cracks in the curtains. Everyone held their breath as footsteps approached the door and the doorknob began to turn. The door creaked open and the lights flashed on.

"Surprise!" we all shouted as my husband walked through the door.

The sight of multi-colored banners along with the comforting faces of friends caused Cedric's eyes to widen and a bright smile to grow on his face.

"Happy birthday Ced!" multiple people called out over others' mixed chatter and laughing.

He shut the door behind him, "Thank you, guys." He answered with a smile on his face.

After exchanging plenty of hugs and birthday wishes, everyone resumed their conversations with one another.

Cedric made his way further into the house to converse with Anna, who just happened to be closest to the door.

"Do you want to go say hi?" Anna whispered to the child that was resting on her hip. The girl's ginger pigtails bounced up and down as she nodded. Anna lightly set her down, causing her to stumble her way over to Cedric.

After graduating, Anna and Fred had gotten married and around a year later were expecting a kid. But to everyone's dismay Fred passed during the battle of Hogwarts. And although he was still grieving, George became dead-set on helping Anna raise Sage, which was, in all honesty, the best decision the two of them could've made. They both had the support they so desperately needed.

Cedric lowered himself down to the girls' level, "Did you plan this all?" She laughed and shook her head.

He smiled at the little girl, "What, no way? I could've sworn it was you."

Anna came up to his side and put her hand on his shoulder, "No...she doesn't have the attention span for that, do you Sage?" Anna questioned. The girl smiled and made her way over to George to claim a spot in his arms. Leading Cedric to stand back up to his original height.

"Now before we go find your friend, can you say happy birthday to Uncle Cedric?" George asked the girl. She managed to mumble out a quick happy birthday before Anna and George walked over to Serena and Gia who were accompanied by their kid, Hazel. And soon the two girls ran off together to do whatever little kids do.

"Ah, yes! He is alone now. On we go." Blair rushed over to Cedric, firmly dragging me along by my wrist.

Events like these were most definitely Blair's speciality. She loved to plan things like this. Especially after the passing of Luke during the triwizard tournament, she began to realize the value of spending time with friends.

I could never imagine the pain that she went through, given it could've been Cedric who got picked. She never fully recovered from that event, and I can't blame her. On the bright side Chris has been a big support for her, through moving in with her and helping her work through anything she was struggling with. He truly is a great brother.

After being dragged through multiple people, we arrived at the destination Blair was set on.

"Do you like it?" She asked Cedric impatiently, "I don't mean to brag but it did take nearly an eternity to plan. Because, you know, people are busy and can't manage to clear up their weekends, which is not their faults or anything-" It didn't take much for Cedric and I to notice that Blair had been spinning into one of her common rants, He decided to intervene as to not let the conversation extend longer than we had intended, "Blair, truly, it's great. There is no need to fret, thank you very very much." He set his hand on her shoulder and flashed a comforting smile.

"Really?" She asked rhetorically, already knowing what his answer would be. "Well clearly I'm not the only one to thank." She glanced over at me smiling. "Anyhow, I shall leave you two alone now. Besides I'm about 95% sure Chris was left to supervise the children and we all remember what happened last time."

That in fact we do, Chris had been left to watch Hazel and Sage at George and Anna's house during Christmas and just 'magically' the two got their hands on practically a year's worth of sweets and ate far too much of it. Chris' only defense was, and I quote, "Guys it's christmas! Just let them have their fun."

They were up until two am that night.

And just like that, Blair was off to protect the sleep schedules of the kids' parents.

Causing me to relocate my gaze onto Cedric. "Y'know this party was not nearly as hard to plan as I thought it would be." I informed him, a sarcastic tone in my voice.

He tilted his head in confusion "You're joking right?"

I laughed, "Yes...It was a bitch to plan."

"Well thank you," he said with a laugh, intertwining his hands with mine and pressing a soft kiss to the crown of my head, "for your courageous efforts."

"Of course," I said, smiling up at him. His eyes only softened and he pulled me into a tight hug.

I was able to take in the scent of him and a sudden sense of nostalgia rushed through me.

I was reminded of the time I had spent at Hogwarts, surrounded by my friends who eventually became my family.

The times we had spent making dumb decisions and overreacting to, what now seem like, meaningless problems (really, meaningless is an understatement). It's truly bizarre to look back on.

I suppose in the end, those things have led me here. And I know, I would never trade any of this for the world.

"You okay, y/n?" Cedric asks, stealing me away from my own thoughts. "You went somewhere just now."

I smile softly at his caring nature, before nodding. "I'm alright," I reply. I grab his jaw, gently leading him closer to me. "I just love you, that's all."

I pull him even closer, still, and our lips touch. We stay like that for a few moments, before Cedric pulls away.

"I love you, too," he whispers, placing his hands on my cheeks.

Yeah, I wouldn't trade this for the world. 


Guys you know lets pretend like it hasn't been a year, we all make mistakes sometimes like forgetting to write the last chapter or crashing your fathers car. They go hand in hand.

Anyways guys you know, this book provided me and escape when I needed it. And even though I have grown to really not like it, I hope you guys enjoyed it and it provided an escape for you too I suppose. I do not like how cringe that sounds but I don't know how else to phrase it. Shoutout to my friend for working on this last chapter with me for way longer than necessary, it becomes hard to write an ending for a book that you completely forgot about for a year. 

Also as an apology for not updating in so long I am going to come clean and say that my name is not star and is actually Luci. I know, what a crazy plot twist. 

I told my boyfriend that I wrote and fan fic and I said that he can read this story in 5 years so Sam if you are reading this please don't break up with me after reading this story.  

Well I mean I don't know if i'll write another story, I most likely won't but I'll still check comments and stuff cause some of these comments are just top notch. 

I guess this is the end of all of this, If you didn't like it don't worry I didn't either. I was really just wingin it this whole time. Ok anyways i'm gonna end this here. Just thanks for actually taking time out of your day to read my unorganzied chaotic plotless book! It means a lot.

-Star and or Luci <3

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