Chapter 23- Second Year

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-----August 15th-----

Summer had finally ended and today was the first day of school. Over the summer the Malfoy family went on a trip to Italy, it was undoubtedly the most awkward excursion I've ever been on. This being due to Draco and I continuously arguing with each other.

These continuous arguments have caused me to realize how much I do miss the sweet side of Draco. I miss the side of him who would walk me down the stairs to help me avoid falling and ask me to play board games at the most ungodly hours of the night.
And now I'm faced with his new personality in which he resorts to ignoring and harassing me. Which is just a ball, really.

But on the bright side through multiple calls to Cedric over the summer I learned that he in fact has a sister, which I never knew. Her name is Anna and is starting her first year today. From what he said about her, she sounds very similar to me so by default, i'm incredibly exited to meet her and on top of that, see all of my friends again.

Already loosing my patience to see them, I decided to sleepover at Serena's house and go with her to the station.

Per usual, Serena was still asleep even after our alarm went off, but she managed to wake up to the sound of my phone.

"Serena, who is it?" I asked, sticking my head out of the bathroom doorframe.

"Uhh..." She took her arm out from underneath the blanket and picked up my phone. "It's pretty boy! I'll answer it for you!"

"You really don't have to do that-" I leaped out of the bathroom just as Serena hit the green button on the phone. "Too late." A smile grew on her face as she held the phone up to her ear.

——Phone call——
"Diggory, It's Serena!"
"Well okay...I suppose you could answer my question.

"Which is?"

"What time will you guys were be at the train station?"

"Oh I see, you miss your girlfriend." She whispered
"No...Serena, just answer the question."
"Alright alright, we're gonna be there in about an hour or so."
"Okay well, see you then I guess."
"See you then, Pretty boy."
"You should be aware at this point that I don't like when you call me that."
"Too bad...pretty boy."
——Call ended——
"What was that about?" I asked.

Serena set the phone in my hand and dramatically pulled the covers back over her head, "Cedric just wanted to know when we were going to be at the station."

"Well if we want to be there if an hour, like you said, you are going to have to get up."

"Yea yea, I know give me like five more minutes."

Cedric's POV

"Too bad...Pretty boy."

——Call ended——

I slid my phone back into my pocket as I walked out of my room and into my sisters.

"Anna, did you get everything together?"

"Um, yeah I think I got most of it. Wait-" She began frantically looking around her room for any missing items.

I laughed to myself, "Anna, it's okay. Worst case scenario Dad can just mail anything you left to Hogwarts."

She nodded her head in agreement, "I didn't think of that."

I helped her get her backpack on and we headed out the door, "Come on let's get going, I want you to meet some of my friends."

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