•Chapter 1

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August 14th

"Y/n Tori Malfoy!" My mother yelled at me causing me to  jump out of my seat. "Get down here right now or you are going to be late."

"Yes, I'm coming!" I yelled back.

Today Draco and I were meeting up with our closest friends to go get books and robes for the upcoming school year. It was all of our first years at Hogwarts.

I walked downstairs to see my mother and father standing in the foyer.

I nodded respectfully to them before trying to pass so I could get to the door.

Before I could, my father quickly pushed his cane out in front of me, prohibiting me from moving further. "Wait for brother, Y/n." He scolded.

I looked over to my mom and she just quietly nodded in agreement.

My parents and I have never had a great relationship with one another. It seems as though they favor Draco over me most of the time. My mother wasn't always like this though. She used to be outspoken and would stand up when she thought things were wrong, now she sits there, silently adopting my fathers opinions.

Soon Draco came up by my side and I knew we could leave.

"We expect both of you to be home by no later than 5:30, is that clear?"

"Yes father." Draco responded.

I silently nodded in agreement with Draco as we both walked out of our house and started walking over to our friends.

Our friends are the Tropez's.
The whole Malfoy family has known them for multiple years now.
There's Serena and Eric who are twins.
Serena is quiet and reserved around her family because of how much they criticize her but around her friends, she is a completely different person.
Eric however is seen as the prized possession of the family. He can do almost anything he wants and get away with it, no questions asked. He can be kind when he wants to but when he gets angry all hell breaks loose.

"You know, I think everything is going to get much better once we leave for school." Draco said.
Draco knew how I felt about our family and our family friends but there was just nothing him nor I could do about it, except help each other out every now and then.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed. "It just gets so tiring sometimes, always having to live up to their insanely high expectations." I shivered from the cold breeze that flew by as we walked further down the pathway.

"Just wait, it'll all be over soon and we'll get to go to school and won't have to see them for awhile, how does that sound?" Draco wrapped his arm over my shoulders.

"That sounds great." I chuckled.
We both made it to the family's house. Walking up to the door, I knocked loudly on it.

The large brown door started opening up, as slow as possible.

"I can't...get...it." A high pitched voice spoke.

I knew from the familiar squeaky sound that it was their house elf, Arwin.

"Oh, here, let me help you with that." I pushed it open effortlessly and the elf fell backwards.

"Oh my-" I bent down and held my arm out for him to grab "I'm so sorry."

He reached for my hand but a foot kicked his fragile arm away.

"Don't help him Y/n, he needs to learn how to not be so completely useless!" The voice got louder after every word it spoke.

"Sorry Mrs. Tropez." I said as the elf stood up and ran away towards the kitchen.

"It's okay dear...ah Draco, lovely to see you!" She walked over to him shook his hand. "Eric should be down any minute-"

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