Chapter 39- Fourth Year

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-July 8th-

"Just give it time. It'll all be back to normal soon."


If only I knew how wrong Jordan would be.

The whole entire school year went by, no conversations between Cedric and I, no messages, no calls, no interaction, nothing.

Now that it was summer, I sent him a text to try to tell him "Hey, i'm still here!" 


Thu, June 2nd, 11:10 am

You: Cedric, can we please just talk this out? I miss you.


There was no response. Serena talks to him every now and then but besides that there has been nothing. I've felt like nothing too. We didn't end up going anywhere this summer so Draco and I have just been stuck inside the whole time.

My father began to always find something to be mad about, no matter if Draco and I did exactly what he told us to do. Draco was very affected by this and always listened to my father while I began caring less and less about his opinions of me.

Today Serena's family came over for dinner. 

 I decided to sneak away and go outside and lay in the wet grass as it rained. It clears my mind in a way. 

I laid there staring up at the grey sky, letting the cold rain drip down my face as the wind blew stray pieces of hair out of my face.

"Y/n, what the fuck are you doing?" Serena yelled from the house.

"Leave me be Serena, i'm clearing my mind."

"I'm all for you clearing your mind but, It's freezing out here." Gia added.

Gia and Serena finally decided to make their relationship official towards the end of the school year. I earned nearly twenty galleons from Jordan after their decision to do so. I said they would make it official in March and he said February but I ended up being right.

"Just come inside, i'll even try to text Diggory for you, although he hasn't responded for the past week, but that's beside the point. Come back inside."

I shut my eyes and took in a deep, cold breath. "I'm not coming in Serena."

"That's it, I'm getting your brother," Serena grabbed Gia's hand and pulled her inside.

I stayed laying down, not moving a single inch.

After a minute or so footsteps approached me, "Get up Y/n, your lips are turning purple." Draco said.

"Why can't you all just leave me alone? i'm going through stuff right now. My best friend hates me and our godamn father won't stop nagging me about the people I chose to spend my time with." 

"Can't you just go through it inside, where you won't risk the chance of getting hypothermia?" 

"No, when I go inside all those problems flood back onto me."

Draco rolled his eyes and bent down, picking me up bridal style. "Y/n, this isn't healthy for you, or your mindset. Also, if you get in trouble I do too and neither of us want father mad, do we?"

"No..." I huffed and bent my head back.

We finally got inside the warm house and Draco let go of my legs so I could stand up. "Now go upstairs and get changed out of your wet clothes, before anyone sees you, okay?"

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