Chapter 13 - Going wild

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"Give me that you punk! Hey what the fuck man?? I thought we were going to a fancy hotel, but we were just about to get robbed, what kind of shitty place is this??" I asked Jasper, after I had ripped our luggage out of the man's hand, who I now held up by his collar, to keep him from running away. We had just pulled up to the hotel and Jasper had put our luggage down on the ground and out of the trunk, when this little bitch snuck up from behind us and just took our belongings, like huh?? I was ready to beat the guy up, not even because of my things, but Jasper probably had a bunch of very expensive suits in his luggage, so no way would that mutt get away with trying to steal them. But when I looked at my mate, he just chuckled, shaking his head at me. 

"Pax, that's the bellman from the hotel. It's his job to take our belongings and bring them to our room. Let him go, it's ok" Jasper said and I blushed. Oh...oh ups. Well I didn't know that that was a thing. Well, I had heard about it, but I just didn't think that was real, you know, but uhm...ok yeah. I put the man down, who looked like he was about to shit himself. Jasper took a step towards him, handing him a ten dollar bill. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Could you take our luggage now?" he asked and the guy quickly nodded, glancing at me, as he carefully picked our stuff up and ran into the hotel. 

Jasper's hand went to my shoulder, as we started walking towards the hotel and I was quite embarrassed. I had made a scene for nothing and probably embarrassed Jasper as well, fuck now he definitely thought that I was stupid as hell. I had an angry pout on my face, but it was more to hide how utterly petrified I was. "I was never in a hotel before, I just didn't know" I mumbled, looking away from Jasper to hide my face a bit. I would have expected him to laugh at me or even get angry, but apparently, that just wasn't who my mate was. 

"Hey it's ok! No harm done. Quick thinking there, I didn't even see the guy, he could have easily been a thief, so thank you. And I'm even more happy to bring you here now" Jasper smiled and I looked up at him, surprise written across my face. Oh...he wasn't angry? Or disappointed even? I mean, he was right, it was quick thinking on my part, but it was still embarrassing considering I threatened an innocent worker. But I didn't understand his last comment and so I had to ask "Why is that?" 

Jasper leaned in close, just as the guys at the entrance to the Hotel opened the door for us and he whispered "I will be your first." And when I looked at him, he had that same stupid grin on his face that just made me roll my eyes. I pushed him away, saying in an annoyed tone "Don't make it fucking weird asshole", but Jasper knew I wasn't actually very mad at him for saying that. It was just a little weird and made me very awkward, so anger was my way of coping with it. 

Jasper hurried after me and he looked a little concerned or even embarrassed that he had made me this awkward, but it was cool. And only now did I realize, that this hotel really was huge and fancy and so not like what I was used to. I mean, I had seen fancy houses before, Jasper's and Asher's included, but this was next level, you know? He checked us in at the front desk and I was so unfamiliar with all of this, that I couldn't help but stand around awkwardly, waiting for Jasper to tell me what to do next. But a lady just showed us to our own private elevator, that would take us up to our suite and she rode up with us to explain everything to us. Ah this was too much, wasn't it? Just for a weekend to hang out together?

But when I glanced at Jasper in the elevator, he seemed...happy? I don't know, but he smiled at me and I felt my stomach tingling at that. God damn it...I could suddenly feel Jasper's finger grazing my own and I took a deep breath, before I reached for his hand, holding it with my own. I didn't look at him, I was too embarrassed and nervous to do so, but I bet that fucker was smiling to himself. Or at me. Ok one quick peek! Ah yes, he was smiling. I liked that smile, unfortunately. But when the elevator doors opened, I let go of his hand, because though the lady most definitely knew that we were somewhat an item, hint that we stayed in one room together, she didn't need to know for sure. Not even we knew, so....

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