Chapter 27 - Soulmates

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"How do you have so much stuff?? What even is in all of these boxes, cause I know that your bedroom is basically empty!" I cursed, as I balanced three boxes on top of each other into the new house that Jasper and I were moving into. Yep, we found a solution. Not a great one, but we knew we'd make it work. And so, half of mine and his stuff would be moved into this new house that we bought in my pack while the other half was at Jasper's house, where we would spend the other half of our days. We knew we couldn't stay away from each other anymore, especially now that we had completed the mating and felt the bond stronger than ever, so we thought that living together in my pack for a few days and a few at his together was the best solution. 

I could work as a beta here in my pack and Jasper could do the rest of the work online or let Holly, his beta, do the things he would have to be present for and when we would stay at his pack, I would do it the same way, so neither one of us had to give up our jobs. Sometimes we would probably have to spend a night apart if our packs needed us, but for now this would work and I kind of liked this solution. It made us have two homes. Two homes we could decorate and make our own, I liked that. 

Jasper, who was carrying two boxes of his own, said "Well, I have a lot of suits." He put down the boxes next to the rest in what would be our bedroom and when he leaned down, his shirt slipped a bit, revealing his mark which made me burst in pride. It had been a few days since we had completed the mating and everything went really fast from there on out. It just came natural to us to now find a way to live together and we did and with that we bought the house and Jasper even hired a company to build another story to his packhouse, so we could have more space there as well. 

I reached for his neck, letting my fingers run over his skin and my mate shivered at my touch, but stood up, looking into my smiling face. "I don't like your suits, they cover up this beautiful mark" I smiled and Jasper chuckled, taking a step towards me, laying his hands on my waist as I rested mine around his neck. "Well I don't like that mine goes missing in that sea of beautiful tattoos that you have on your neck", he said, looking at my throat and I chuckled, but I understood him. I loved my tattoos and my mark just fit so perfectly in with them, but it didn't stand out as much as it would on a bare virgin neck I guess. 

"I know, but hey, I love it the most of all the art on my body. I mean, I love my tattoos, but some were maybe a little stupid" I chuckled and Jasper raised a brow, before he grinned "Like the date of when you thought you would meet your mate but now it is just your own birthday?" he asked and my smile dropped at that as my cheeks flushed pink and I tried to hide the embarrassment behind annoyance. "Oh my god how the fuck do you know this??" I asked, rolling my eyes and stepping away from him, but my mate didn't let me, as he pulled me back by said wrist, so that I was pressed against him,  as he kissed that tattoo. 

"Your sister might have mentioned it" he grinned and I blushed as what he had just done was really fucking sexy. When he saw my reaction, he chuckled, before he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me and swinging us from side to side and then he pulled away, but hell, if it would have been me I wouldn't have minded just fucking right here on our new bedroom floor. I mean, we would do a lot of fucking in this room anyways, so who cares? But Jasper was stronger willed than me and so he even managed to completely let go of me, before he took a box and put it on the pile of other ones, looking at the stuffed room. Hey, ninety percent of the boxes were his anyway, who needs this many suits?? 

"We should finish unloading the car, so we will be back at the pack before the meeting. If you are still willing to do this" Jasper said, taking out his car keys and I gulped. I mean, I had already said yes to this and I didn't want to disappoint Jasper so...but ok, I shouldn't make such a big deal about it, I could do it and I was ready for it anyway, so I nodded "I am, don't worry...I want to meet them as well anyway." 

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