How ? and why?

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The situation was same on the other side as well. Each member of mamamoo was in shock but somehow they were able to pretend happy and entertained their fans as they deserved their attention. Hwasa on the other side was totally silent but keeping up with her unnies to make the situation easy. She wasn't looking for any disappointment coming from her fans. So she pretended to be happy through out fan meet.

All of them entered inside their van after getting outside the building and finally broke the silence between them. "did you see her?"
"was it really her?"
"Should we ask our manager to get her in private so we can talk to her?"
"Did she even recognized us?"
Moonstar and wheein was speaking simultaneously not knowing or listening to each other. "Everyone stop..", Leader was now frustrated with the chaos going on inside van. Everyone stayed silence after listening to loud voice of leader. Solar was looking at hwasa who was fidgeting with her fingers nervously not saying a word. Solar bent to back seat putting hands on other brunette's knees saying "Hyejin-ah you okay?". Hwasa looked up to her unnie in silence as tears form under her eyes. "Sorry Hyejin-ah", Wheein now hugged the brunette seating beside her at the middle seat. Yongsun asked her manager to drive them to hwasa's house. Everyone stayed silent as they reached the destination.

After getting inside the house, the members sat on the grey couch. Wheein beside Hyejin on one and Moonsun on the other one. "Okay, there must be some miss understanding..", Solar said finally now breaking the death silence. She was as confused as the others but she wanted to start the conversation to get at one point. "I can't forget her voice unnie. I'm sure it's her." Hwasa said sobbing in between as she lean her head on shoulder of her best friend beside her. "But why she didn't recognize us?" Moonstar said stating a fact she saw earlier. "Okay let's not get messed up here, Hyejin-ah I will ask our manager to look into the fan list and get her address so we can confirm if it's really her or not. okay?", Solar said in confirmation to end the conversation as she knew if they continued the brunette will be crying mess. They then spent their evening at same house talking about upcoming birthday of their leader. After a while diverting the topic, everyone was now able to get outside the overthinking about the brunette they met earlier. Hwasa smiled and talked in between to her members as she didn't want to worry her members. But inside she was still having many thoughts. They ordered food because why not? food was actually the only thing could have cheer up the ladies at this moment. They had their late dinner talking about different stuff some about work and also about what they will be planning for their solo comeback soon this year. Not giving any spoilers to members off course.

When everyone left, hwasa went to her study room, beside her bedroom. Study room was actually decorated with all Hwasa's achievements since her solo debut. She also used that room to placed all the gifts, messages and memories she got from her fans and her group members. One of wall in the room was fully covered with different posters of hwasa alone from her different brands photoshoot, some of photos with her bestfriend wheein and some with ot4 members. There were some polaroid photos of her with fans and there was a single photo of her with sara. Yes she looked at it and remembered the brunette she saw earlier. "I know that was you..." only words came out of her mouth as she saw the picture. She went to one of cabinet inside the room where all of the gifts and awards were placed. She took out a dairy from one of drawer. It was a brown leather personal dairy. She opened it and saw the picture inside was her and sara again. She looked at picture and flipped the first page..

Jan 25th, 2010
I don't know what i will do in this big city. I barely know anyone here. off course i have wheein-ie but she is staying with her relatives so without any doubts I had  to share an apartment with some strangers because duh! i'm broke!!!

She laughed at her own writing and reread some of her stories until that one page got her attention....

Jan 30th, 2010

Well something good had happened. I got one roommate and luckily she is really nice. At first we are still awkward but things will work between us i guess... oh yeah her name yongsun unnie. she is older than me which is i guess good for me....
Today we got a message from our owner saying that we will be having another boarder. She said that she is a foreigner... She said her name is something i forgot ... hmm start from S .. yeah !!! SARA. Well me and yongsun unnie both are worried how will we communicate with her.....

She closed the diary soon after she read the whole page. "I hope it's you... there is so much i have to tell you, ask you...
Why in the earth you disappear suddenly and now showing your face as you don't even know us..." Hyejin murmured to herself and closed the study room returning towards hall room.
She laid on couch turning TV on so that she can distract herself. But still her thoughts were running through her brain subconsciously.
"You better come up with an explanation Ms. Khan..."

That's it for today...
I will elaborate the story if i'll get enough positive response from you guys...
Guess as a newbie here i had to wait before continuing it...

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