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Sara POV
I was studying my ass off that I didn't even realize winter has arrived already. I settled myself in the gallery sipping my coffee and reading a book. It was the first day of the holiday. I see yong eonni woke up early than usual.
"Good morning Sara, happy holidays", she said by side hugging me.
"Happy Holidays eonni, you got up early today wow", I replied back teasing her but got a death glare in return and I went back to what I was doing not messing up with the angry bird.
"Did you see Hye-jin?', eonni askeed.
"Isn't she in her room eonni?", I replied. Eonni just signed no and told me that it's really odd for Hye-jin to go outside early in the morning plus when she really doesn't like winter. Now that concerned both of us. I grabbed my handphone and try calling the young lady. but no response. I kept on calling. I was really worried about her. Pick up the damn phone hyejinah...I whined on a phone call. Suddenly someone picked it up.
"Hello?", a person on the other line said. I know for sure it isn't her voice. I asked about who is she? and where is the owner of the phone.

I felt like my world is slipping down faster than the snow falling from the sky when I heard what the other person said. I later asked few things to the person and hung up the phone getting hold of myself. Eonni looked at me not understanding what's going on? She asked me shaking me about what I heard on the phone call? is Hye-jin okay? But I could reply only one thing, "eonni Hye-jin got hit by a car..." that's was enough for my legs to lose their grip and I fall down tears coming out.

Yong Pov
I felt devasted as soon as I heard the news. I got hold of myself and helped Sara get up. I booked a cab to the hospital Hye-jin was taken. We both grabbed our coats and headed outside. As soon as we reached, I asked at the reception of her whereabout. They said she has been taken to OR because her condition was very critical. I felt weakness in my whole body. Meanwhile, Sara didn't utter a single word. We both walked with the nurse who directed us outside the OR. We both sat on the bench there waiting for surgery to end up. Also, I informed Wheein and Byulie.
Sara was nothing but a dead body sitting beside me. I had never seen her like this before. I grabbed her by the shoulder so that she could rest her head on my chest. Patting her back, I comfort her saying that Hye-jin will be alright don't worry. But she didn't respond rather she hugged me back and stayed like this.

Soon after Wheein and Byulie came running towards us. "eonni, what happened?" "where is Hye-jin?" "How could this happened?" they asked tones of question. but I shushed them up showing them sleeping brunette beside me. I whispered to them, "Hye-jin is in OR, I don't know what happened.  We both are shocked, Sara doesn't seem taking the news well. So let's wait until the operation ends up okay?".
They both nodded and sat on the bench on the opposite side of mine. Byulie looked at me and blinked her eyes signing that everything will be fine. She knew I might be making seem like I am totally okay but inside me, I was barely holding back.
Soon after doc came outside of OR. We all stood up except for Sara. I asked doc how's Hye-jin now? But looking at his expression I guessed it won't be good news.
"We were able to stop bleeding, but there is a complication...Due to extreme hemorrhage, She needs a kidney transplant ASAP. But her blood group is O negative which is very hard to find plus there is a list of transplant patients awaiting". All of us remained silent, helpless don't know what should we do to save her.
"I am o negative, I will help her in any way just save her doc", I heard a voice from my back. It was Sara. The doctor said that then he will run some tests to see if her kidneys will be a match or not and Sara left with the nurse not looking me any of us.
I was so shocked that Sara took the decision without even having a second thought. Deep inside I was happy that my best friend will be safe now but only if it will be a perfect match after the tests result.
We got the news that Sara is perfect as an organ donor to Hye-jin. We all took a sigh of relief and I went to the room where they were preparing Sara for operation.

Sara POV
I saw eonni came inside the room. I just gave her a weak smile. I just wanted to see Hye-jin alive no matter at what cost. "Sara, you okay?", Eonni asked me in a worrying tone. I just nod my head with a smile. She then asked the nurses to go outside for a while as she wants to talk to me in private. After there were only two of us eonni asked me holding my hands, "Sara please tell me you are okay with this?".
There I lost all my control and hugged eonni. "I don't want her to die eonni. I can't lose her because the moment I thought I would lose her, there is something I realized....that I really love her", I said crying and being a total mess. Eonni just hugged me tightly and said it's okay and everything will be fine.
"Eonni please do me a favor?", I asked getting hold of my self now. "sure what is it?", Eonni replied.
"Tell everyone that not to tell Hye-jin about who was her donor. Please i don't want her to know who helped her live so that she will feel burdened. please promise me eonni?", I said now looking at the older girl. Eonni didn't seem happy with or agreeing but she promised me anyway.
She helped me get ready and helping me control my state of emotions. Making sure I'm good to go for operation.
Later the nurses took me to the operating room. They sedate me where after that I lost my consciousness....

Whoa my mind and finger both are hurting rn.. hahah

but Hey .. how are you all? I know not many have been reading my story .. but i'm planning to continue it anyway. Hopefully in future i will have this story delivered to more people.

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