First meet... indeed the first?

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Fans were standing in the queue waiting for their idols. It was a fan meet and greet. Everyone had posters, CDs to get signed and several gifts for their idols. Among them there was a lady around 25 years old in her grey sweatshirt and pants with black mask on face and black nike baseball cap perfectly hiding her long black hairs and face. Sara was too excited to meet her favorite idols after almost 3 years of being moomoo (Mamamoo fan name). To be where she was standing today, it took working day and night at several part time jobs for months. Indeed she had a satisfactory smile on her face proving how hard she worked and how her dreams will come true in a moment.

Everyone stood in silence, as they heard some steps coming from backstage. Soon Idols entered the hall and fans went crazy screaming their idols name and making excited sounds. Meanwhile, Sara stood their in silence scanning her idols upright down as if she was printing every information of her idols in her mind. As if it was her last day on earth and that's the only moment she can see her idols this close. She wasn't screaming, instead she had that calm look in her eyes proving her happiness. It was indeed satisfaction of a person who was now finally looking and soon meeting those people whom she was inspired by. She stood frozen their for a moment not blinking for a second admiring the beautiful and idealistic ladies in front of her.

"Okay everyone focus, I say mama mama moo...
Hello we are mamamoo", Leader of mamamoo said as other members harmonized the words. Everyone screamed at that unique introduction. The brunette's ears were blessed as she heard those melodious voices so close. She was smiling and actually feeling she is alone standing in the audience just her and her idols. Not knowing that the auditorium was actually filled with thousands of fans.

She was standing at same spot until someone nudged her to move forward. She flinched for a bit and proceed finally to get her stuff signed. She made her way towards first idol named Moonstar. She bowed in order to respect said hello and gave her stuff to the person in-front of her. If someone could have heard her heartbeat at that moment, will be able to know how curious, excited, happy or let's say emotional mess she was right now. Moonstar said hello to her, and signed the CD and poster of ot4 mamamoo member the other gave her. She then proceed to the next member.

Solar was now signing the poster given by sara. Solar asked the brunette her name so she could write on poster as she wanted to give a message to her fan. Sara who was already processing with so much things happening with her couldn't heard what the other brunette said. Solar repeated her word slightly getting her head closer to the other. Sara flinched and answered while stuttering her words "umm Sara , Sara Khan". Solar stopped the moment she heard the voice of brunette and what she said. Even the other member of mamamoo stopped in shock who heard the girl's little unclear but understanding words. The members now looked at each other and then their manager who was looking confused at member's behavior. Manager simply nudged the leader signaling to continue even if something bothering them. Just to avoid any scandal or assumptions. They just signed the posters as nothing happened and sara stood their confused until one of staff member asked her to seat down on her seat until further session starts. She didn't even get the chance to say a word to her idols which she practiced don't know for how many times. She didn't even get the chance to give the gifts she got for each member of the girl group who was now trying to avoid her looks and got busy with other fans.

After completing the fan sign and entertaining their fans, Mamamoo waved their final goodbye for the day. Everyone waved happily to their idols, whereas sara did same but was still confused about what happened earlier. Lot of thoughts were running through her mind. "did i do something wrong?, do they know me?, How can they know me when it's my first time in south korea?, Ughh why me?". Tears were forming under her eyes. She was totally having a breakdown inside her head.

Without making things more drastic, she made her way following the other fans unconsciously. Knowing everyone is heading outside. She was having tones of unanswered questions in her mind not knowing what just happened and why it happened. Why her idols were shocked when they heard her name?
She exited the building and was about to head towards her apartment which she rented for a while will be staying in Seoul. Someone tapped her shoulder. It was a girl, maybe one of fans who might have seen the situation. "Did you offend our idols somehow that they were literally staring at you in shock?", the other brunette asked sara now glaring at her. Sara didn't know how to answer in this situation where herself don't know anything. "well i just said my name...", somehow she managed to form a sentence without being scared of those glares. Before anyone else can invade the conversation or the other brunette interrogate her, she just started walking again fast than usual to get outside of that whole scenario.
"Why me?" She repeated those words continuously as she went back to her apartment.
Off course she didn't expected meeting her idols this way....

If you reach until here... thank you so much for reading. Please leave feedback if there are any mistakes with the story or anything you wants to say.

Have a great day..💚

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