Bad Timing

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Siren of ambulance could be heard from distance. People were starting to gather around. Hyejin was holding sara on her lap shouting her name shaking her body to wake her up. She didn't know what she should do? Why the brunette is not answering her. She was panicking while her friends were calling for help,  crying mess surrounding the unconscious latter.

As the ambulance arrived hyejin stayed beside the latter until they got into the ambulance. Others followed them back in byulie's car.

Hyejin was a crying mess by now she didn't know what she should do. She kept on uttering only one thing...

Please.. wake up i can't lose you like this please please don't leave me like this please...

After almost 10 min of ride ambulance stopped at the emergency gate. Helping the patient get into ER as soon as possible. Once they were inside ER, doctor approached and asked Hyejin and other brunettes to wait outside.

It took whole damn 15 min, and finally the assigned doctor showed up and walked towards the girls.

As Hyejin saw someone coming there side she stood up and shoot the questions ...

"Is she okay? Can i see her? what happened to her? She is safe right?"

Doctor just put his hands on her shoulder reassuring her to calm down because the news indeed wasn't good. He waited until the girl was ready to listen him..

"Well for now she is safe and we were able to control the further damage. But with one kidney, her body is suffering from severe trauma which affecting her heart as well. Which can make her undergo serious condition if she will exhaust herself or any sudden change in her emotions which will hype her"

As soon as the brunette heard her girlfriend's condition, she dropped on her knees feeling unbarring sting in her heart.

Yong hold her in her arms and helped the brunette sit on the nearest bench. Hugging her tightly, assuring her that everything will be okay. She was crying mess herself too but for now she hold herself just to handle the maknae.

"Eonnii, by any chance ...was it sara who donate her kidney to me?"

She felt like it something gotten into my throat and she  felt like she isn't able to speak because of the sudden question asked from the maknae. She didn't wanted to break the promise she gave to Sara.

She couldn't utter a single word rather just keep comforting the latter. Thinking she should avoid the question and hyejin will forget about it.

But Hyejin knew she was right with the silent treatment she got from her eonni.

Now that she knew what happened she felt really miserable and angry to herself thinking that it all happened because of her.
That the person she loves the most is suffering because of her. She abruptly stood up and started walking not knowing any destination.

Yong tried to go behind her but was stopped by byulie.

"Unnie let her give some space, you need to calm down also. wheein will go look after her..."

Byulie said looking at wheein who just nodded in assurance and followed back the latter keeping a little distance.

The latter walked until she was at the rooftop of hospital already. No she wasn't going to do something cowardly thing. Rather let's say she wanted to breath in fresh air because the hell she was feeling out of breath.

She fell on her knees with recurring pain in her heart. She just cried out loudly taping her heart hardly. Wheein on the other side was just watching her best friend sadly. She wanted to damn go there and comfort her bestie but she was holding herself just to let the latter mourn with the pain as she had never seen her best friend in such state before.
Well she was right Hyejin did want some time alone to get hold on herself.

I did this.. this all happened because of me.. Sara gave her everything, she fucking love me sincerely and what did i do? I couldn't even offered the same love she has for me ... I don't deserve her. I really don't.. i will fix this.. Sara won't suffer anymore because of ME !!!

All the thoughts were draining into the latter's mind making her cry and sobbed more loudly that she felt like she can't breath anymore. That's when wheein thought is time to interrupt when she saw she girl almost getting pale and hardly breathing in and out.

Wheein hurried over to the latter and hold her tightly in her arms patting her back.

"Hyejinah control yourself ya pabo.. don't be reckless. Think about what sara will feel when she will see you like this once she wakes up"

Wheein said as tears started forming down her eyes after seeing her best friend in such state. She was disappointed in herself that she couldn't do anything to fix this. Except, she can be on her side till the end to support, to listen and to take care of the latter. So she was just doing that. Waiting till the latter will calm down a bit.

After a while wheein successfully calm down the latter for now. and Hyejin parted herself from her best friend.....

"Let's go. she might be awake by now"

Hyejin said wiping her tears and they both went downstairs. Yong and byulie knew just by looking at the brunette that she had really worst break down. More than just worst actually because the brunette wasn't really feeling anything, As if just walking like a body without a soul.

As she arrived closer towards the ward. She saw Sara had been shifted to general ward. She went inside as soon as yong informed her that they are allowed to meet her. But first hyejin should go and talk to the latter.

The door was quick open by the latter and she entered inside settling down on the table near the corner of sara's bed. She hold her hand kissing back of it of the latter and that awaken the brunette lying on the bed.

She was still feeling weak but once she saw the love of her life, It all seems like faded away and she smiled widely assuring the brunette that she will be alright soon. Hyejin just sat there for few minutes holding the latter's hand and looking at her love without saying a word.

Sara took off her oxygen mask which hyejin protested but the latter said it will be safe not to worry. So she let her remove it for a while.

"babe you should go home and rest. We had really tiring journey. I'll be alright. It was just a little dehydration i guess don't worry and take others home too. I will come tomorrow doctor said yes to discharge me already"

Sara said telling a little lie because she definitely knew it isn't just dehydration. But She just wanted hyejin to be okay because right now she can see the sore eyes of the latter. and assume how much she might have cried.

"Let's break up Sara-ssi.."

No .. no no
Maybe i heard it wrong. wait did she really call me Sarassi?? She never calls me that.. and is she really breaking up with me? But we had been in relationship for what 2 weeks now.. why what happened? i was damn confused, shocked hurting don't know what but  I wanted answers,  Sara thought.

"Hyejinah, love please don't do such pranks with me... Can't you see i'm sick? Haha c'mon don't joke over that thing .. i hate it. There is no break between us..."

As sara said those lines, tears started falling down again from the latter sitting in front of her. As she manage to utter few words ...

"I'm serious Sarassi, I don't want this relationship. I feel like i'm suffocating when i see myself as your girlfriend. I don't want to be in this situation. Please understand me! and leave me ..."

Hyejin says and stood up in order to leave knowing that if she would stay she might get weak in front of the latter and will take u turn from her decision.

But it shook her life upside down when she heard the latter's last words before leaving the room..

"I don't want to see you anymore..."

And hyejin left.

So sad...

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