Prep- Planning

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Sara was all ready with her thoughts in mind how she will approach the other brunette through out 6 weeks. Off course she wasn't planning to give up so easily. The word impossible never existed in her life. She wanted to make every effort for the girl. Also she knew it won't be that easy tho. She gathered few ideas of hers on the notepad. Starting with what the brunette likes, wish or anything she has known about her.

After spending her whole night instead of sleeping and writing every thing she remembered about hyejin likes, dislikes. Yet sara wasn't convinced. She wanted to know more about the brunette and surely she knew who would be the best choice who would help her.

Next day morning.....

Wheein POV

"Whoaaa, I love this holidays.. no more hanging around human beings. No more wasting your voice for stupid people who surely would admire beauty over talent."

Wheein indeed was having great morning. Being an introvert and loving cat over humans, Wheein was always been like that. Today all she wanted was best morning breakfast cooked by her mom and play with her bf ggomo (aka her cat)  whole day. But little did she know someone was going to ruin that.

She went wiggling her hands as if she is flying downstairs towards the kitchen where her mom was cooking along with her aunt. She was happy because her mom was going to stay with her for a while before goin back to jeonju. She was about to enter the kitchen when she heard someone knock the door.

"I will go check"

She said to her aunt and mom to which they both nod. She proceeded towards door and swing it opened finding a girl smiling at her widely than usual as if she will be asking for too much thank you gifts from her.

"Sara, what are you doin here?"

Wheein said shockingly not knowing why that girl is here. Actually Sara never goes around to her friend's house often. Wheein was aware of that and was totally shocked with it. Because it's still morning and everything is cloudy white outside. Definitely not a good weather to head outside.

"yah! you should ask me to come inside first.. I'm your friend not delivery guy wheeinah.."

Sara said now making a way inside the brunette's house. Not waiting for further greetings from her friend she knew won't do that. She welcomed herself by sitting on couch.

"Still what are you doing sara? what you want?"

Wheein was so sure that there is something most important made the latter came over to her house. Otherwise she would have just called.

"Fine.. I just need your help regarding knowing more about Hyejin and you're the only one known her since childhood"

Sara now finally said the truth looking around the interiors.

"ooooohhhh , now that seems like i can find some fun ...."

Wheein said wiggling her eyes to tease Sara. She knew something was definitely goin on between them.

"Okay stop your dirty mind right there. I just want some info about my roommate nothing else.. "

Sara said now hiding her flustered face from the latter. She take out her notepad and ask wheein to get some snacks for both of them. Because she knew this interview will take time.

After a while both of them settled down in wheein's bedroom upstairs so that no one would disturb them or invade their privacy. They had some snacks, drinks around them which is most important to think better.

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