2.Dinner Date

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(So you all know that there is 6 week time to court hwasasi and sara prepared 6 dates for her. So please don't get confuse if the timeline will run faster. There will be only 6 challenges in overall 6 weeks)

Welcome to Paris 💚💚

After having a long tiered flight, both the brunette check in their hotel room. which was already booked by Sara in advance. They both were sharing one room with a wide gallery with a easy and mesmerizing view of Eiffel Tower and it had two beds. So hyejin won't feel uncomfortable sharing same bed with Sara. Though sara would be happy with sharing one bed but she more of thought about the other brunette.

After reaching to their floor and swiping the key card. Hyejin entered inside her room following sara behind her. She instantly threw everything of her stuff aside including her shoes and jumped on the bed making a thud sound. Meanwhile the other brunette just stood their shockingly looking at the behavior of latter.

Perks of falling in love with opposite personality.. She thought

Off course Hyejin was way different personality than Sara. The brunette was more towards being organized, keeping with discipline and rules she made for herself and being productive whereas Hyejin was a free spirit who had priorities for only food and sleep. But she did care of her loved ones without pretending it.

Apart from all of this opposite aura, both of them had a place for each other which was unknowingly attracting them. One had realized it already but other was surely going to take some time.

Sara just shrugged off her thoughts and started arranging all of her stuff along with hyejin's. She knew the latter would never do it. and asking her to do it will be her last words.

After finishing up with the stuff, Sara took a bath washing away her jet lag. She came outside now drying her hair standing outside in the balcony staring at the mesmerizing scenario in front of her. Meanwhile the other brunette was deep a sleep since moment she jumped on the bed.

Sara knew there should be food around the latter once she will wake up. So she had already ordered their lunch. While she was standing there at balcony, she heard the door bell. She knew it might be her food and went to grab it.

After placing every dish on the table, waiter bid his goodbye and sara closed the door saying thank you in return. She was about to wake the latter up but guess the aroma of food did her work already.

Hyejin was upright awaken after smelling the best aroma coming out of those crabs. Sara knew hyejin loves crabs soup along with rice.

"Let's eat.. shall we?"

Hyejin said not wanting to waste a minute before landing that thing inside her mouth. and she went towards the table not waiting for the latter to reply even.

"yeah sure"

Sara said watching the brunette smiling like an idiot and thinking about how can someone be so cute yet scary.

After Sara finished eating, Sara informed the other that they will rest for a while and then will go outside for dinner in the evening. Hyejin just nod her head as she was damn busy in eating.

Later in evening ...

Hyejin went to take a bath after sara so that they won't be late for going out. Meanwhile Sara got ready and took the spare time taking out one parcel she got with her and put it on hyejin's bed with a note on it. And she went outside towards lobby. She did inform hyejin that she will be waiting outside as the latter will need some privacy after getting out of shower.

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