6. Fitting Room

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A big thud was heard on the door which made the brunette outside the fitting room flinched for a moment. But a voice came from inside which stopped the employee from barging in the matter called by the flinched brunette.

"I'm alright, just lose my balance. sorry eonii I ....mmmm"

Before Sara could complete her sentence the invisible person inside her trial room grabbed her by collar and kissed passionately to which she hummed in response letting the others know that surely she isn't alone there.

"Sara? You okay?"

Yong asked but when she didn't get any response from the latter. So she proceeded to bang on the door but before doing that she was dragged by hamster outside the trial room.

"Yah yah ouch its hurting leave my hand ya byuliah...yah!! Moon Byul ie!!"

"Eonni, you are really pretty dumb.....didn't you really notice hyejin is nowhere around us that means surely she is there inside with sara making those noise. So you know ."

Byul spoke up after she was finally outside the trial room along with yong.


Yong said throwing both of her hands in the air as If she really not getting what the other one trying to say. Byul just looked at her in disbelief but laughing internally for having such dumb yet pretty cute friend. Actually everyone could see how whipped she is for the latter except for yong.

"you know what unnie...let them be. We will find another trial room. Meanwhile how about I'll tell you your newly invented nickname by none other than me MOONSTAR!"

Byul said laughing from ear to ear while dragging the brunette by shoulder towards another trial room.

"NO, I know it would be definitely something bad I'm sure. I don't wanna hear"

Yong said dramatically closing her ears with her both index finger running away from the latter. while the latter off course followed her back. Literally shouting behind her.

"Your new name isssssss ........ YEBA aka dumb but pretty."

She burst into laughter on her own invention. She followed the brunette while shouting yeba for nth time. Which surely made the latter annoyed and confused at the same time that what did she do that everyone is calling her dumb.

Another thud was made on fitting room door but gladly no one was there to hear it now. Sara was too weak to control herself from the desire she was receiving from the latter. Their tongue were playing with each other as if they ain't two different organ but one. Clothes they chose for trial were spread all over the small space. And the person who were supposed to try them, were drawn in desire of each other not knowing how loud they were actually getting.

After whole damn minute both of them parted to breath some air not leaving each other site. It was their first time when they were breaking all the barrels which kept stopping them from expressing themselves. No awkwardness and overthinking anymore. Just two pure souls who wanted to get evolved in each other and to show how desired, loving and loyal they want to be for each other till the end.

Sara didn't wait this time to let the brunette attack her again. As she grabbed the brunette cupping her hand around the latter's cheeks and kissed hardly making the other one groan. Which was easy to for her move further instantly as she rolled her tongue forward. As she bite the latter's teeth in process she felt her back got scratched by the latter's finger in response which made her keep going.

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