It's been a long time...

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10 years ago....

( Good morning everyone, this is your captain. We are now landed safely at Seoul International Airport. Hope you had happy and safe journey with us. Enjoy your stay in Seoul.)

Sara startled in sleep as soon as she heard the announcement. A bit sleepy head, she looked around as people were now getting their stuff together to head outside the plane. She woke up while rubbing her eyes. After letting people passed who were actually in rush as if someone will hijacked the plane if they won't head out ASAP. When the place became less crowdy, She gathered her stuff and headed outside.

Sara was one of those people who have everything sorted in their life. She was fully prepared in order to survive in a total foreign country. She had learned Korean in advance so surely there wasn't any issue with communication. She had contacts and every details to communicate in emergency. Indeed her parents were little less worried about her because of dedication towards her dreams. They knew if sara had decided to do it then nothing can stop her.

Happily looking around the brunette made her way towards immigration process. After she was done with that she headed outside airport collecting her rest of luggage on the way. Before heading outside the terminal she converted her currency into Korean Won. She went to one of convenient store to get local sim, and some necessary things such as snacks, power bank, etc. After buying everything, the brunette went towards taxi stand and told the driver her new address. She ate her snack on the way home. Also informed her mother about her arrival after introducing her phone to the new network. Being a newbie around the place, surely she handled the situation better.

After reaching her apartment she paid the driver as he helped her getting her luggage outside the cab. She bowed a little and thanked the driver. The brunette looked at the white big building in front of her. She made sure that it's the same building as showed in the picture the owner sent her. As she grabbed her things and stepped towards the front door of apartment. As soon as it was confirmed it's the right place, she entered the passcode which she asked her owner on the way. It took her two trips from front door to hall room to finally get her things inside the apartment.

She looked around inside her apartment which had a hall room with couch in L shape black with some grey, white pillows and TV in front. After a little walk at backside of couch, it was kitchen with wooden classy black dinning table with 5 chairs. Kitchen had basin on left corner with some of dishes scattered in it unwashed. She made a happy sound as she saw refrigerator inside kitchen. She made her way towards her room. According to the owner her room was to the left after entrance. She went inside placing her things. Her room was a little smaller than she actually expected looking at picture. But she was okay with it as it had everything arranged right. It was slightly beige walled room with brownish furniture. There was study table with different size shelves on top and below with some drawers. Bed was in the middle of room with lamp on bedside small table.
(To imagine the apartment is quite similar to the one showed in AGE OF YOUTH/hello my 20s, except here everyone has their own separate bedroom including bathroom)

Sara wasn't really interested in infrastructure of her room, as she was pretty exhausted. She instantly took out some warm clothes and placed on bed. She unpacked the bag which had her bathing stuff in it. She took out the stuff like shampoo, soap, scrub and all that as she entered the bathroom. While singing and dancing on her own rhythm, she took a long hot bubble bath to get rid of jet lag. After taking bath, she made her way outside in her bedroom without caring that she is naked as her usual habit.

A little did she knew that her habit will cause her an awkward introduction to her roommate. She was now standing right in front of brunette who was about to hit her with a baseball bat but might have stopped at what she saw. Sara surely was hell embarrassed and scared right at the moment but to save her first impression thing she said something blunt. "Like what you see? .." doubting herself for saying those words now she grabbed the towel on the bed and covered herself before causing more embarrassment. "Who are you?", The other brunette in her room finally spoke looking away from the other one. In a matter of seconds sara put on her clothes and took a deep breath before answering the question. "Hello.. myself Sara Khan. also you can look at me now", She said in perfect Korean accent. Off course she saved her ass from surprising the other brunette with her fluency in Korean language as she turned instantly now looking at sara in shock. "Wow, I didn't see that coming", The brunette said thinking that the other one is still naked. Sara just gave the other a smile of respect and asked her why she is in her room without knocking. "Well I'm sorry about that i didn't know you are already here and i heard some sound coming from this room so I thought maybe someone barged into our house", The brunette said now hiding her baseball bat which she was going to almost hit the other one a moment ago. "I'm glad that you didn't break my bones..", Sara chuckled seeing the baseball bat. Honestly From inside she was actually thanking the almighty that she was safe and not on the floor unconscious and NAKED.

"Btw you didn't introduce yourself?", Sara now looked up to the brunette for the very first time noticing the girl in front of her. At first she thought that the brunette is a leader of some mafia group. who can knock her down in a second if she will offend her. But now when she is actually observing the beauty in front of her, the brunette is actually stunning in her own way. "oh yes.. I'm Ahn Hyejin" those words snapped sara out of her staring at the other one. "Umm.. I hope it was nice to meet you then Ms. Ahn", sara replied.

Indeed both met in really awkward situation and both were looking for a way to get out of it. Soon Hyejin waved her hand and went outside the room saying that other must be tired and should take some rest. Making it less awkward she went to her own bedroom taking a deep breath she didn't know she was holding. As soon as the brunette left the room, sara made sure she locked her room and promised herself to learn new habit of locking her bedroom door. She also put a note at the backside of her door saying "learn to lock ME". She also drew a small sketch of baseball bat to be reminded of what happened on her first day.

Later in the evening, Finally sara woke up fully refreshed and ready to formally meet her other roommates. She thought maybe evening is the right time as everyone will be home. She didn't know that there will be only three people to meet including her. Before actually going outside, she fixed her luggage. Arranged her books in order on the shelves above her study table. Clothes in another cabinet. As she was done with bedroom. She headed outside towards kitchen to place her coffee mug, some dishes and cutlery. While she was busy with her work in kitchen, accidentally sara dropped some spoons from kitchen floor. "clumsy sara.." She murmured to herself.

The other two ladies came outside their room to see what was the noise about? As they entered in common room, they were greeted by sara. "Thank god, you didn't bring anything to hurt me again..", Sara said to reduce the awkwardness looking at Hyejin. At which the brunette just glared at her not knowing she was actually angry or it's just her cold expression. The third brunette wasn't sure about what's going on though. "Are you the new boarder ?", She said finally clearing her throat. "Yes unnie, these is sara and this is yongsun unnie", Hyejin said introducing the other two. "Oh hello unnie nice to meet you..", sara replied bowing 90 degree in respect towards Yongsun. Yongsun just smiled at the other one slightly raising her eyebrow at the other girls' Korean accent. Maybe both of them wasn't really sure of seeing a foreigner this way.

After a while all of them sat on couch maintaining a proper distance. There was a silence for a while no one knew what to say. "i guess we should start talking if we are going to live here for a while", Yongsun said breaking the silence between them. It took a while but they were able to have a proper conversation. They got to know few general things about each other. Hyejin is 16 years old from jeonju. She came to Seoul with her best friend Wheein to persuade their dream as kpop idol. Same with Yongsun who is 20 years old, trying her luck in kpop industry. Meanwhile sara is from Indonesia, Soon to be student at Seoul University. She is two months older than Hyejin. Also she is here to persuade her dream in anthropology.

They talked to each other for a while. Now somehow slightly getting comfortable with each other. Unknowingly their journey of becoming best friends from strangers had been already started.

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