Something fishy?

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Next morning sara woke up groaning as she wasn't really able to sleep well with what happened the other day. Today according to her plans, she will be going to some famous places around Seoul. But due to lack of sleep and crying her heart out whole night. It was total turned off for her to go and have fun outside. Still she managed to get ready and convinced herself that she will enjoy everything as it took her lots of effort to be there and won't waste a moment because of a little messed starting in the story. Sure she was diverting herself.

She made it outside her apartment and started walking toward bus station to reach her destination. Sara was pretty confident while walking the streets and navigating places right as if she had been there for ages. Without using any maps. How? Maybe watching too many kdrama made her feel like she is a Korean citizen and not some foreigner who is enjoying her second day in seoul. She waited for the right bus, and boarded afterwards towards Hangang Park. It was 8 in the morning. She was thinking maybe she will be able to enjoy the view in silence without too many people at this time on weekdays. She took bus to reach the destination for the day. As she arrived, she took deep breath of fresh air and exhaled in wow expression as she observed the view. It was as similar as in movies and drama she had watched. She bought some rice cakes, soy milk and cookies for her early breakfast from the nearest convenient store and made her way to seat on one of benches available. While observing the view she started eating.

Looking at her no one would have thought that she is really a foreigner. Because she was able to speak Korean, she knew every places, how to go there and as well as speciality of each places. Also some details which a person who is born Korean cannot answer.

She remembered how her parents tried to stop her from coming to Seoul. But let her come when she made it obvious that there is another way around. She thought maybe her parents are just concerned to send their daughter alone in unknown country. She did assure them that she will take care of herself and will let them know about her everyday. But she didn't know the another side of story.

As promised, she video called her parents to let them know that she is safe and enjoying her time. Her mom picked up the phone showing half sleepy face. Sara chuckled seeing her mother like that in a video call for the first time as she never actually left her home before away from her parents. "Good morning mom",she said controlling her laughter as well as taking screenshots to tease her mom later. "I know i don't look great, But who calls so early in the morning to old people like us?", Ms. khan said now seating properly on couch fixing her hair.
"well we made a promise about telling my whereabouts, so here I am having morning meal in front of this beautiful place..", Sara says as she shows the surrounding and food she is eating. They talked for a while where sara got scolded by her mother for not wearing more warmer clothes. Also about how was her experience with her idols. Sara did tell her mom everything about it except for the part where she almost had mental breakdown. Her mom ended up phone call after a while saying that her daughter now should enjoy her time alone rather than talking to her mom which she can do later after coming back.

It was really shocking when her parents got to know about her dream to visit Sk. They knew that it would happen someday but they didn't let sara know the truth. Instead they tried every possible thing so that sara can forget about her wish. But stubborn sara made it finally. Sara's parents wasn't actually stopping their daughter from doing what she wants. But there was a certain reason behind not letting her complete this particular wish. They knew if sara would go there again. It will have bad ending. Yes you heard it right. Sara actually wasn't aware that it wasn't her first time in seoul. She stayed their for almost 8 years in the past. But how come she don't know that?
what exactly happened?

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