3. Let's go shopping

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Both of them were actually enjoying each other's company that they weren't even realizing days passing by so faster.

Sara could actually smile and enjoy now apart from being alone and working like a robot. Meanwhile Hyejin was already on her way towards building her confidence. She was starting to express her feelings rather than coating them with cold behavior. She started showing her soft side which only few had seen. Soft hyejin was kind hearted, considerate and caring that might amazed people who criticize her for being cold.

Sara was busy sipping her coffee sitting in the balcony and making few arrangements for next challenge. She was doing it early morning so the other latter would be sleeping and won't find out about the surprise. She made some calls, set some reminders for later. and when she knew it's all done, she ordered their breakfast and went inside to wake up the latter.

She slowly sit on the corner of latter's bed admiring the sleeping beauty in front of her. She felt like she wants to stay in this moment forever. She was so used to see this beautiful scenario, first thing in the morning that sometime it scared her with the thought of losing it.

She caress the latter's cheeks slowly sliding latter's hair behind her ears lowering her voice and said

"Ms. Ahn good morning .wake up it's time to go"

But the latter just shrugged it off. Not moving a bit on that. After several trials, She did woke up when the latter mentioned about their breakfast arrival.

always works.... Sara thought looking at awaken grumpy brunette.

Later they had breakfast, talking about their today's plan and started getting ready for it. Sara was first one to be ready to go so she waited for the latter.

After making sure they were ready to go they made their way outside. First place they will be visiting today was street market which had tones of antiques. Sara knew hyejin loves to buy weird yet meaningful stuff so today was a shopping date. Sara already said to the latter that she will use her second challenge card as a shopping date.

As they were outside their hotel already, Hyejin eyes widened with excitement when she saw another one of her favorite car in front of her. Now,  definitely she was wondering from where the latter getting this information.

It was Maserati Gran Turismo, another racing car hyejin wanted to try so hard.

"Yah Sara now this can't be another coincidence, spill up bitch where did you find it?", Hyejin stated looking at the brunette with those intimidating eyes so that she will get a answer.

"Sorry hyejinah, genius don't spill their secretes....." Sara stated without looking at those eyes but also not leaving her flirting tone. But inside she was scared af.

But after awhile when hyejin didn't budge over that. Sara surrendered and told her..

"Alright!! I got the info from none other than your father...Mr.Ahn. Gladly I was able to get his no. from wheein..and I had to sacrificed half of my minions collection for that...aghh I missed them"

"You called my father? seriously? what did you tell him? did you you spill up about our challenge thing too??"

Hyejin wasn't really opened about her sexuality at home but her parents somehow knew it since starting. But knowing how her father shared her stuff to Sara, she felt happy because her father must have liked the brunette or else he wouldn't have done that. But still those questions were surrounding half of her mind.

"Chill you dumbo...I wouldn't spill such things to them without informing you just like that.. I just told them that me and others are planning a surprise for your birthday so just wanted to know about you. Besides Mr.ahn seemed to liked me ALOT.."

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