Different Ways...

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"I don't want to see you anymore..."

Those words of hyejin shoot right through my heart like an arrow with an unbearable pain. I tried to get up from my bed not minding the saline and wires surrounded me, but i suddenly i felt pain in my right corner of abdomen which pulled me back to bed again. I didn't know what should I do.

Thoughts just lingered around my mind about
What did i do? why she left me like that? was it all fake when she said she loved me ? Was hyejin never felt in love with me? Did i fail her as a partner? Did i do something to hurt her? Why ? why? why she left without explaining...

I was so deepen in thoughts that i didn't even realized i'm having shortness of breath. I didn't care about it either. All i wanted for now is talk to hyejin and apologize to her if i have done any mistake. Just anyhow convince her to stop from breaking up with me. But my body wasn't really supporting me, as i felt blindness surrounded me.

Sara fainted again.

Everyone was seating outside when they saw hyejin came outside crying and ran towards exist without looking at any of them. Wheein just followed the latter totally confused like others.

Yong and byulie on the other side hurried up inside the room where they saw Sara's condition is getting worse. Byulie instantly called out for help from outside shouting at nurses.

Within few seconds 2 nurses and doctor from earlier came in and started to give cpr to the patient. They asked the ladies to wait outside but they just stayed in the corner than leaving.

"charge it 230 Joules ....



3, CLEAR!!", Doctor shouted.

No response from the latter...

After few trials, he saw waves coming back at the monitor and they successfully stabilized the latter. After they left the room bowing to the ladies saying the latter is alright now. Also, She will be sleeping for a while because of the medication they used to stabilize her.

Yong just sat near the unconscious brunette and cried out her feelings...

"yah !!! Get well already.. why are you being so hard on yourself!! I didn't agreed to this when you promised me you were ready to donate ...please wake up sara. we all want you to be safe and healthy."

Byulie just comforted her till she rant out her feelings in front of sara. She was actually really close to the brunette because she always consider her as younger sister who she loved, cherish since their first meet.


Two days passed in instant. Sara was slowly recovering now better than before. She was now able to eat and walk around the hospital little bit. Doctor already said that she can be discharge by evening if she wants. Which she agreed very fast because she so damn wanted to run back to ggomo villa and get hyejin back in her life.

Yong came with food in her hand as she saw the brunette silently reading book inside the ward. Yong gave the latter wide smile as soon their eyes met.
While the other mirrored her reaction.

"Get up sara, let's eat..."

Yong said as she was aware of the latter haven't eaten anything since past two days. She put a table on top of brunette's legs. As she took out everything she brought with her. But she saw the latter still not responding even at the aromatic food.

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