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It's been three weeks since the accident. Hye-jin had been recovering very well so is Sara. Indeed there was awkwardness between  them since that kiss. Sara wasn't sure how to initiate the conversation with the latter or confess her feelings for her. Let's say she was finding good timing when she will see Hyejin rather than lioness.

In the evening....

"Eonni, let's have dinner outside today?", Hyejin said laying on couch next to Yong.

The elder one looked at her in disbelief knowing that she is still recovering from a drastic nightmare and now she wants to go out already rather than planning to get healthy sooner.

"Hye-jinah I don't think your body will allow outside food. You're still on medication." Yongsun said rather staying calm than getting mad at the other brunette because she understands how she might be feeling stuck inside house for a long time not getting any munching due to strict diet.

Sara got out of her room placing her used coffee mug in the kitchen. She saw the girls sitting on couch and soon joined them. She thought maybe she could ask them about having dinner together not knowing that's the topic being discussed already. Because honestly she was bored af studying whole day even it's holidays. Off course she is also tired of eating watery food all the time.

"Eonii, can we go outside for dinner today?", She said now getting a death glare from red haired brunette seating infront of her.

Sara just nodded her head signaling "what?" because she actually didn't know she pulled the tale of lioness once again.

"yah wanna be dead? why the hell you're copying me?", lioness hyejin said in annoyed tone.

On the other hand Sara was loosing her calm due to continuous annoying tone of Hye-jin since day they you know kissed each other. But now wasn't really the right time for her to accept the behavior of red head lioness as she herself had long exhausting day.

"ENOUGH!! why is that whenever I try to talk nicely, you're being a bitch?? What you want me to do? live deaf and mute?", Sara stormed off.

Not soon after the hall of ggomo villa became battleground or Would say debate ground where politicians criticized each other in extreme loud opera voice. It kept on going for a while when both the politicians heard a screaming voice as if someone might have scratched her hands on black board. They both covered their ears and look towards the source of voice.

"both of you, shut the fuckkk up!!! I'm so done with your daily I look like I'm your nanny for god's sake??", Yongsun said in damn angry tone which made both the other girls calm down and looking down towards the floor in guilt maybe.

No one uttered a single word for a moment as if yong's voice was still echoing throughout the girl's ears. After a while when Sara gained her consciousness she apologies to her elder sister promising her that it won't happened again at least from her side.

"Eonni, I am sorry too let's go eat now please I'm really hungry.....", Hye-jin said making the elder one more annoyed but everyone knew that's the least Hyejin can behave when she feels sorry.

Later that evening all of them had dinner outside. Still there was no conversation between Sara and Hyejin yet. But it didn't feel awkward like usual. Moonbyul and Wheein also joined them. Everyone enjoyed their food and each other's company after a long time.

It was chaos all over because all of them surely had loud voice. They didn't realize that it's already time to close the restaurant until a waiter told them respectfully if he can get the check and if they can continue their talk outside. After that, All of them hurried paying the bill, getting their stuff and headed outside.

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