New Year Eve

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"Hyejinah... hurry up!!"

Sara shouted banging the bathroom door. It was past 6 in the evening already and both of them weren't ready for their last night in the city of lights.

Sara was grinding her teeth in annoyance waiting outside the bathroom. She didn't want to be late for today's planning because today was the day when the latter promised to tell her that if she will accept her feelings or not.

She knew everything already but still she wanted hear it again loud and clear. She was pacing around the small space thinking about several things where she didn't realize someone grabbed her inside the bathroom.

"Yah you creep!! ......Fuck"

Sara looked at the brunette in front her which made her cursed internally. She wanted to capture this moment inside her mind. She couldn't believe her new year was going to be this hot.

"I thought it would be cheating if I won't show up same as you did when we first met"

Hyejin said trapping the brunette sticking her both hands on the wall. She was annoyed with the continuous banging on the door and she knew this will be the best way to shut the latter up.

Sara was speechless looking at the goddess in front of her. She saw an utterly beautiful, those smooth curves and shinning like honey pure soul. She barely could hold up from passing out after seeing such wonderful miniature in front of her wearing nothing.

"Ms. Ahn ....Damn!!
Fuck I don't care of getting late anymore!"

With those words sara pulled the latter by her waist falling their lips on each other affectionately. Both's lips were moving smoothly, slowly against each other. Without any hurry.

As hyejin lost her conscious with so much affection she was getting from the latter. Sara took the chance to lift the latter up and placed her on top of the corner of sink without breaking their kiss.

"I love you Ms.Ahn"

Sara said separating from the latter just to admire the beauty in front of her one more time.

"I love you too, Ms. Khan"

Hyejin replied and without waiting a bit further she pulled the latter by wrapping her legs around the standing brunette into another deep kiss unbuttoning the latter's shirt at the same time. Once she was done .. it fell down on the floor revealing the smooth toned abs of the latter.

No doubt hyejin was whipped for those abs since the day one she saw it. She explored her hands on them still not breaking their touch to which sara hummed affectionately.

After hyejin was done helping the latter getting rid of every single fabric on her body. Sara lift the latter and went towards the bath tub giggling and purely making love.

As they were done taking bath, they got ready wearing the clothes they bought the other day with their other friends. Once they were good to go, Sara looked at the latter complimenting about how gorgeous her girlfriend is as they left the hotel room going towards elevator hand in hand.

Once they reached to the destination, Sara helped her girlfriend settled down on the table and sat down opposite to her later.

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