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Doctor came out of surgery which felt like ages to complete. He walked towards me and said,

"the operation went well, but both are unconscious. but nothing to worry about. You will be able to talk to them soon."

I took deep breath of relief that hearing that. All of us smile after a long nightmare. Then I request doc regarding Sara's wish of not telling Hye-jin about who's the donor. And told other young girls too. They promised me tho they were not happy hearing why Sara wanted it. But it was for Hye-jin's sake.
It was already our second day at the hospital. Both of them were shifted to general wards to keep under observation in two different rooms. I asked bulyie and wheein to look after Hey-jin while I was in the sara's room sitting beside her bed holding her hand.

"please wake up Sara.. please .. you did promise me that you'll be fine .."

I was talking to the unconscious brunette when i felt a movement of her hands.Without wasting a minute i call out doctor and nurses. After doctor checked vitals of Sara, he said that she is all okay and she can go home by evening but still she needs to take care of her not exhaust herself as she has single kidney to relay on now. All there were only two of us inside the room. I looked at her happily and she blink her eyes saying that she is fine.

"Eonni, where is Hye-jin? how's she?", Sara managed to ask.

"She is fine and will be awake soon Sara, please don't worry yourself", i said without making her worry too much.

Hye-jin POV

Last thing i could remember was eating onion rings while walking on sideways in the dark foggy day and suddenly got hit by car from the front out of nowhere.
I woke up feeling pain in my whole body, trying to figure out where i am maybe in hell because I hate heaven.

"Wheeinah i thought you will be going to heaven? what are you doin here?", I said looking at the crying brunette beside me.

"ops welcome to the hell moonbyul eonni. I knew you will be joining me", I continue as i saw byulie eonni standing behind wheein.

"Yahh hyejinahh.... you crazy little shittt. How can you be so careless to get into an accident and now talking shit right after waking up from nightmare for all of us???", Wheein stormed like angry puppy.

I just gave her a chicky smile which always help her calm down. But this time she wasn't buying it.

Meanwhile moonbyul just leave the room saying,

"You're impossible Hyejinah, get better and then i will break your bones".

"Whoa! Now i don't want to get out of this hospital for god  nah.. for my bone's sake!!" I thought to myself.
Then look at the brunette beside me who is still angry sad and hurt i can see. So i took her hand and said,

"I'm sorry wheeinah for worrying you. You know i didn't even know until the car hit me already that moment. please stop crying see  i'm all fine. Just few bones have been displaced but they will come together soon".

After comforting for a while i was now able to get wheein in normal state.

"where is yong unnie? Sara? didn't they come?", I asked wheein as if she saw them feeling little hurt on the fact what if they didn't come.

"ah them... umm they are outside waiting for you to wake up. You know protocols not many people allowed inside. Wait will go and get them hyejinah but you rest now", Wheein said but sounding like she is hiding something or is it just her worried tone. I was about to ask her but she left the room with speed of light.

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