Fangirl - Finale

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As soon as sara released herself from the embrace of the latter. She realized that the person she just hugged isn't someone else but goddess Ahn hyejin. She cursed inwardly for not recognizing the brunette earlier due to her unknown feelings she felt the moment she saw those eyes. As if reminding her of someone she used to know.

There was actually so much going on in her head that she didn't even realized everything around her getting black and her body falling on the latter in front of her slowly.

She passed out.

"Ms. khan... what happened? open your eyes?"

Hyejin said holding the brunette now. She thought maybe she stressed out the latter with sudden visit which might affect her health. She was blaming herself again. But soon other members arrived at the incident and soon the brunette was escorted to hospital.

But soon sara got shifted to Hyejin's place as it was just a normal concussion. The brunette was still asleep because of the medication. Members were seating on the couch in living room waiting for the brunette to wake up so that they can maybe talk. Although noone knew what?

"I think we should leave now? maybe let hyejin talk to her first. because she is still stressed and doc said not to pressurize her much..."

Yong said calmly looking at her members. She wanted to visit the latter to talk about her life stuff. The changes she had in her life. But the brunette's help was more important to her.

"I think Yong is right. Let's go. Wheein you want me to drop you? before me and yong will go for a date?"

Byulie sad standing up from couch. Causally speaking up about her relationship with yong now. Yes they were dating since Yong finally had realized the person who love her a-lot since beginning.

"It's okay eonni. You love birds can go.. I will just ask manager eonni to drop me"

Wheein said teasing the blushing leader.

"Be safe everyone and let me know once you reach.."

Hyejin said finally bidding her bye to everyone outside the door. As everyone left she closed the door and settled back again on couch.

"Maybe i should make something for her since she will be taking her medicine once she wakes up"

Hyejjn thought to herself. But soon realized she isn't really good with cooking so she decided to give it a try by learning online.

She went towards the kitchen. Placed her phone towards her direction so that she can easily see the tutorial for making pancakes which eventually making her busy.

Sara woke up with a slight pain in her head. Last thing she couldn't remember what happened earlier except she was at the airport for going back home. But surely when she opened up her eyes it wasn't actually airport.
She looked at her surrounding and her instantly her moo moo instinct hit her.

Why all of this looks like Hwasa's bedroom showed in i live alone ?? Am I dreaming? Off course it's a dream.

She thought to herself. She tried to pinched herself hard enough to realized that it isn't a dream for sure. Now she had no boundaries of happiness.

She stepped outside the bedroom thinking she might be getting pranked by someone. But she was wrong when she encountered brown hair brunette cooking in the kitchen she had seen several times in I live Alone. She wasn't really sure if it's her fantasy or reality. But who cares? She was enjoying the feeling.

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