1: Never Giving Up

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Sara was busy the whole day making several phone calls, bookings and arrangements. Where did she get all the fundings from? off course her parents and some of her savings. Her parents knew everything about their daughter falling for stubborn women and now for that brunette their daughter has to pass several levels of a challenge like playing a video game.

They supported her since the day she came out as a lesbian to them. She was indeed really lucky one to get full support and love after accomplishing that so called "coming out" thing while usually mostly of us don't.

She put down her phone after looking at time it's 7 PM already. She checked her list knowing everything is set and prepared. Except one thing which was notifying the other latter who was the most important part of it.

Sara got outside of her room to make herself a cup of coffee coz damn she really needed one after having a long day talking to humans making them understand in order to not get messed up with any single details for her big day tomorrow.

She made a cup of coffee and headed towards balcony and sat their while looking at the setting sun. She was so in deep sea of thoughts, that she didn't even realize someone was standing behind her back and watching her without a single blink.

For a moment when sara was about to take sip of her coffee she got out of the deep sea and realize that someone is definitely behind her. For a moment she literally thought it's a horror moment and if she will turn around she will see something horrific and later her dead body will be lying on the ground. But fighting all the thoughts she dared to look back and saw red hair women looking at her while having a bite
from apple in her hand. It almost seemed like she bite one of her organ instead of that peace of fruit.  (Gosshhh i should stop watching horror films)

"Hyejinah, wtf!!! you scared the shit out of be .. what are doing there standing like that??"

Sara dared to spoke but right away gulped when she saw the other brunette now coming towards her. Hyejin sat beside her making her more terrified. Hyejin was actually enjoying when she saw a terrifying latter in front of her. But she was mad at some point too. About something maybe.

"Oh why? what did i do? Did i scare you? Thought I would eat you like demon?"

Hyejin said while snatching another bite of apple which she intentionally acted like she is literally eating the latter's flesh.

"So you're scared of me yet you dared to abandoned me right after you "CONFESS" your feelings to me"

Tone of hyejin when she said word confess was different though. specifically when she said that while gesturing two commas sign with her index and middle fingers of both hands. That made it sure to the other latter that hyejin actually missed her. Also, She is really looking forward for the challenge thing coming ahead too.

Hyejin wasn't in love but she was really thinking about going out with latter. She wanted to spend her time with the person she was starting to admire, saw her the way no one did ever. She wanted to know that person closely. She was really excited for this challenge than anyone could be except for sara off course.

This made sara looked at her in admire. She was drawn in those brown eyes she had fall for in first place. She wanted to drawn in them. But rather she hot nudged by the latter. She then manage to spoke but her mouth betrayed her not allowing to utter a word and ruining their planning.

"Oh yeah hmm ahem.. So so sorrry... but soon you will find out about why i have been busy past few days. Also i didn't abandon you Ms.Ahn. trust me it will worth to wait now bye gotta go"

Sara said all of this in one breath and got disappear after stealing a kiss on the latter's cheeks. The other latter wasn't really sure about what just happened ? It happened so fast that she just stood their stunted totally that she couldn't even response. She just touched her cheeks replaying what happened earlier in her mind. But this time hyejin can be seen smiling widely than being furious about it. Definitely something was changing. a little bit maybe.

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