Where are we now?

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Present day ( continue from chapter: how? and why?

"hyejin-ah where the hell are you??"

wheein almost shouted on the phone call making the latter push away the phone to save her ears. All the members decided to meet up today at their company for getting information about the brunette they saw the other day. Off course hyejin wanted to know everything but her busy schedule wasn't really helping.

"I'm here at the company wheein-ah...coming right up there"

Hyejin said hanging up while entering the elevator. She was nervous, happy or let's say anxious about what if it's really her and if it's her then what will she say to her? How she will react to the fact that the latter is back after almost 9 years.

As she made her way inside the office where her other members and their manager eonni were waiting. She quickly apologize for being late without giving any excuse. But everyone knew that how hectic schedule the brunette is having now a days for her comeback Maria. As hyejin settled down her seat. Manager eonni passed them a file.

On the other hand member were really shocked that their manager had actually spied on the brunette they asked for. Well it was natural because yong didn't tell her who is the brunette except for her name and incident happened at fansign. So manager eonni thought maybe that girl is threat to members. So she did a detailed search with the help of her contacts with spying agencies.

As manager eonni left the office saying every details about the brunette is their and she will live them alone to discuss whatever it is. Yong opened the file and started reading what was in there...

"Name: Sara Khan...

Age: 25

Soon yong read the name, everyone got sure that it's really her. She is here finally after so long. They had so many questions unanswered though. So instead of discussing she just continued reading further.

"She is currently staying in Seoul since 3 days. Basically from Indonesia and lives with her parents there. She is currently a dancer with a YouTube channel name 'moomoo-nim'. Her parents are both lawyers. She is the only child. She came to Seoul on 4 days visa. Reason she gave at immigration was meeting Mamamoo and attending the fan-signing event."

Yong finished but wasn't really happy with what she read. Meaning this information wasn't really enough to know why the latter didn't recognize them and why she is back as their fan. What really happened? Is she pretending to not know them?

As they were all immerged in thoughts, manager eonni came back talking on phone with someone. And she put the phone on speaker letting the person talk to the members.

"I forgot to mentioned the most important thing their actually...

It wasn't actually Sara's first time in Seoul. She came here in 2010 and she is graduated student from Seoul University. She went back to her country in first second week of January of 2014. Also, she got into an accident right after, which caused her loosing her memory. That means she cannot remember what happened back in those days she was in Seoul. Maybe that's why she said it's her first time here at the immigration."

As manager eonni hung upon after bidding her thank you to the person. She turned back to the silent members with unreadable expression. Slightly now she got the feeling that it's not a threat fan case. But she left the office giving privacy to the members.

"Poor her, Now I get it why we always failed contacting her..."

Byulie said getting hold of herself.

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