4. Concert

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"Should we go to the restaurant up there ??"

Sara said to the latter pointing finger towards the Eiffel Tower. When they were having morning breakfast sitting in the balcony. Hyejin looked towards the direction, thought for a while and answered

"Off course why not? I know exactly what will we order...hehe"

Sara just nodded smiling at the latter. Off course she knew. They finished their breakfast and moved inside their bedroom to get ready for going outside. As It was already day for their third date. But hyejin didn't know what was it..

She did ask lots of time though but Sara changed the topic every time. But now was the time she thought she will find out anyway. But instead of telling her through any notes or with gifts Sara informed her that she will take her there directly. The brunette got disappointed but holding her curiosity for awhile.

As they both were ready to leave. Sara asked hyejin to wear her hoodie which had Beyoncé image on it. The latter was confused at first but followed the command anyway.

They headed out while sara opened the door for hyejin to get inside the car. And after she sat on the driver's seat she started the engine, Driving towards the venue.

"yah sara, at least give a hint where we are going?
I can't bare with this suspension anymore"

Hyejin said whining towards the latter making her cute face but it didn't work. She humped on her seat and without knowing she thought of an idea which the thought might work.

She saw the latter who was busy driving and eyes on the road. Hyejin looked at her wickedly as she extend her right leg towards the latter's hand which was on steering. Further moving it smoothly from hand to nape and then towards her chest.

"Do you really don't want to tell me the secrete Ms.khan?"

Hyejin said in a tempting way totally making the latter flustered. Sara was heavily distracted by now. Her eyes widened when the latter started moving her thumb on Sara's chest while slowly sliding it downwards. She was loosing her control on steering and her legs were getting weak. Her heart was beating so fast that she was afraid the latter might hear it. Although she maintained straight face but from inside she was a mess. Eventually she got hold on herself and said with a straight face...

"Ms.Ahn .. I really wants to tell you but please wait for a while.....trust me it will worth it"

But soon she lost her control which made her push the break and stop the car in the corner of road When the red hair brunette slide her whole body towards driving seat now sitting on latter's lap and looking at her with those intimidating eyes. Hyejin was looking at her same like an lioness looks at her prey. They both were staring at each other. Sara was nothing but a mannequin not even blinking her eyes as if she really thought she was going to hunt by lioness.

"Still NO?"

Sara didn't know what she should do... She wanted to speak but her mouth was sealed due to unknown force. Indeed she was shocked as hell by seeing such hot intimidating brunette in front of her.

"I.. umm"

"Yeah? You... and?"

Hyejin said that while wandering her hand around the latter's cheeks smoothly. She got close to her and whispered in her ear...

"C'mon Ms.khan admit that you lost and tell me everything or else...you know"

"this is really a torture Ahn Hyejin...Agghhh ..."

Sara defeated but before she could accept her failure Hyejin started sinking her teeth into latter's nape already making her groan in pain. But sara continued  talking in order to stop the brunette's torture even though she didn't wants to..

"I'm taking.....  you at the concert of Beyoncé.. ..."

Now hyejin was the one shocked and flustered when she heard what the latter said. She instantly retreat herself now looking at the latter in excitement and shortly laughing at the messed up brunette.

Sara felt like running far away for being so vulnerable and spilling out her surprise she was planning for a while. She was mad but happy also that it helped her from not being hunted. She smiled looking at the excited hyejin who looked like a child who finally have got her favorite toy to play with.

"Now if you will please move we have a concert to reach on time Ms. Ahn or before that shall we continue what you started ??"

Sara said in teasing tone which made the other latter blush. I mean how can someone be so scary at one moment and blushing in another. She wasn't normal human being for sure. Sara thought.

Hyejin moved herself hiding her flustered face from the latter and sara continued the ride once again with a smile of her face.

As they reached, Sara showed two tickets for the concert at the entrance to the guards. And they entered the concert ground. where the concert was about to get started.

Hyejin was surely very very excited to see her idol she wanted to see since childhood. She always dreamt about meeting Beyoncé one day. because she wasn't only her idol but an inspiration too.

Sara knew all of it that's why when she heard about the concert she instantly booked two tickets in the first place and thought using it as one of her 6 chances. Well, It was worth it.

Soon the idol arrived on the said saying hello to her fans. And there hyejin got totally lost into those charms of her Idol. She couldn't feel the sounds coming from surrounding except for the one coming from the stage. She felt like she is in the heaven where all of her wishes are coming true in sequence. And it was all because of one person who was standing beside her.

She looked at that person and felt like she is going to literally cry for showing how happy she is at the moment. She wanted to explode her feelings in front of the latter, yelled out every word she had been hiding in her heart for a while now.

But she could whispered only one sentence in the brunette's ear....

"I love you... Ms.Khan"

That was enough to make the latter jumped from

As soon as sara heard those words she felt silence fell around her. She felt like time has stopped just for her and want her to enjoy the moment for a while. She felt like she is luckiest person on the earth.

She looked at the person who said those words and couldn't stop herself from falling in her embrace with a tight hug. As if she won't be able to hug her anymore, or maybe she didn't want to let her go forever.

Both the brunette stood in each other's embrace for a while but snapped out when the person on the stage started singing.

"I love you too Ms.Ahn.. thank you so so so much for accepting my feelings"

Sara said before facing in front to enjoy the concert with her girlfriend.

It was surely going to be the best day in hyejin's life. Where she met her Idol, confessed her feelings to love of her life and found a very beautiful, kind and loving person.

That day she promised herself that she won't let that person go from her life never at any cost.

Whoa finally...

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