Ten - Everything's Going Well... Except The Part Where Becky's Involved

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//Austin's POV//

Don't ever come back Austin! I never want to see your stupid face again!

Don't ever come back Austin! I never want to see your stupid face again!

Don't ever come back Austin! I never want to see your stupid face again!

That sentence keeps replaying in my head and just won't go away! I just can't believe Becky would do something like that. I mean that's just not like her at all.

I look over at Camila and she's sitting, quietly watching the other cars zoom by. I don't know but I just find it weird how someone can go from hysterical to calm in a matter of minutes. I mean if I was in a situation where I was about to be stabbed and had just came out of it, I would still be crying my eyes out, or rocking back and forth hugging my legs to my chest not staring absent-mindedly at the passing cars with a faint smile on my lips... I guess that's her way of dealing with things? I turn away cautiously and unsure of what to do or say.

"Hey Camila. You doing alright?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" She asks in a cheery tone with a huge grin on her face. I can't help but feel a little weirded out but I try to ignore it and brush it off.

"Well I mean you were almost stabbed back there and you seem all happy all of a sudden. I just find that abnormal..." I let the rest of the sentence fade while looking back at the road.

"What do you mean? I wasn-. Oh r-right yeah. It's just I get over things really quickly. I know it seems weird but that's just my way of dealing with things I guess..."

I start getting suspicious. First Camila is all cheery after almost being 'stabbed'. Then she stutters in her sentence, I mean that's gotta mean something. I guess I'll deal with that later. I push it to the back of my mind and focus on Camila.

"Hey, I'm sorry about everything that I said this morning. I didn't mean it and well I was just hoping you'd forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you Austin. It was me who broke it off anyway and I really regret saying all those stupid things. I just thought you had a thing for Becky that's all and that you were going to choose her over me." She looks embarrassed at her choice of words.

"Why would you think that Camila? I don't like Becky like that. Only you. Anyways me and Becky aren't on the best of terms right now as you can probably see so you don't have to worry about anything to do with her alright?" I grab ahold of her hand and squeeze it while taking a quick glance at Camila. She smiles back at me while nodding her head in reply.

"So does that mean we're back together?" Camila asks enthusiastically. I chuckle lightly at Camila's enthusiasm before answering.

"Yes. Yes we are." Camilla places a kiss on my cheek and I can't help but smile. Finally everything's going well... Except the part where Becky's involved.


//Becky's POV//

I am furious right now. I can't contain my rage and I just want to knock out that Camila girl. How dare she set me up?! Make me look like the bad guy! Make her look like the victim, like I was trying something on her! Uggh!!! I just want to break something so bad! Preferably Camila's face and every bone in her body!

I don't know what's gotten into me, but something tells me that I just need to hear the shatter of glass against a wall or the crunch of bones at my fist to calm down or just any loud noise made from the impact of something against the wall. I can't break anything because then my mum would flip shít and I can't beat anyone up because I would never be that angry to do anything like that and I'd feel way too guilty afterwards. Violence is just not the answer. Besides I'm not even that strong anyways.

Instead I start pacing back and forth in my room, frustratingly lacing my hands through my hair. Once in a while I would grab my paper back books and chuck them at the wall. Not my hard cover ones because I don't want to mark the wall with dents.

After a few minutes of pacing and chucking books, I let out a strangled scream, then plant myself onto my bed. I don't do anything, just stare at the ceiling until I hear the familiar jingle of keys and jiggle of the doorknob. My mum and sister are back. I hear their chatter and laughter coming from downstairs. I throw a pillow over my face and groan.

I hear footsteps work their way towards my door and then a gasp. Ugh, what do they want?

"Oh my gosh Becky. What happened to your room?" My sister asks.

"Nothing." I simply reply.

"It doesn't look like nothing." She sassily remarks. I roll my eyes under the pillow then chuck it to the side before staring at the doorway, where my sister is situated.

"Look I know you're my sister and it's your 'civic' duty to look out for me and blah blah blah but right now I'd really appreciate it if you would just go away. Please."

"Bu-" I quickly cut her off.

"I've gone through so much this morning, so please just leave me alone." I ask begging.

I hear her sigh before obliging and closing the door behind her as she leaves. Why is everything in my life going so bad? Especially the part involving Austin?

+ + +

Author's Note

Dedicated to: @EsmeNurKkdl cos I love her, she's awesome and she votes on every chapter (just like all of the rest of you!) <3

I'm actually considering putting Camila in a mental institution in this story like no joke cx

Austin's obliviousness stuns me like how does he not realise what is really going on? My gosh Austin, you silly goose smh

Annnd we are back to the short shitty chapters xD


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