Thirty Four - Realisation

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//Becky's POV//

Black, black. All I see is black. My head is spinning. I can't think straight. Austin, Camila, Cars, Crash. What even happened? I can't get my thoughts together. I don't remember much. Fighting? Arguing? Driving away?... I think... I remember. 

I caught Austin with Camila. They were kissing. I remember it all. The pain, emotional and physical. My chest starts hurting again, heart break. My head hurts even more. I feel a hand on my cheek, softly, gently caressing it. The pain soothes a little. I hear a voice.  A familiar, deep-ish voice.

"Becky, Becky baby?" It's him, I know it. I would know that voice anywhere. My head swims with so many different emotions at once. Grief, Anger, Love. I need to talk to him.

I struggle to open my eyes. I struggle to move my body. I know I'm not damaged as much as I should be but for some reason I can't move. It must be the shock. I force myself to move a little, a limb at least, and my body finally complies with my orders. My arm moves a bit, and then a little more. 

I hear sniffling and sobbing. Oh God, I hope Austin isn't crying. I hear another voice, Michelle's voice. She's comforting Austin and hugging him by the sounds of it. My baby, I don't want him to cry. But... he was kissing Camila. Does that still make him mine? I'm not sure. I have so many mixed emotions.

I move a little more. I force my eyelids open and my vision is blurry for a second before clearing up enough for me to make out my surroundings and... Austin. My hearts clenches at the sight of him. Happiness surges through me but grief tinges it.

"Austy?" Austin freezes and turns slowly. He faces me and my breath stops for a second before returning.

"B-Becky? Becky? Becky!" He rushes over to me and falls to his knees beside my hospital bed. He starts running his hands through my hair, tracing his hands around my face, his eyes filling with fresh tears. 

"We'll leave you two alone." My mum says and quietly walks out of the room and into the hospital corridor with Michelle and my sister in tow.

I want to talk to them as well but for now, I'll deal with Austin.

"I'm alright, Austin." I force my hand to move up to his face. He nudges his cheek into my hand and I sigh contentedly. His eyes open quickly and he pushes himself away from the bed.

"W-what's wrong, Austin?" He shakes his head continuously, not answering.

"Austin?" I repeat. He stares at me and I can see the tears that were building up in his eyes now falling down his face. 

"I'm so sorry, Becky. I shouldn't have said those words to you. I shouldn't have kissed Camila. I just... I was hurt okay?" Confusion starts to cloud my mind. What did I do to hurt him? Was it because I went to meet up with Hunter? I have no idea.

"Was it something I did, Austin?" He doesn't respond for a few seconds and I wait patiently. 

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"You kissed Hunter." It all starts to settle in. I realise everything at that moment.

"No, Austin. You got it all mixed up. I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. I would never do something like that to you. I-," Wait, how did he know that I kissed Hunter? "Wait, how did you know that we kissed?"

"Camila showed me a picture." Hold up, picture?... I gasp. The flash, the glare in my peripheral vision. It was her. She took a picture. It was all a set up!

"She set me up. They set me up." Austin's eyebrows crease together.

"What do you mean?" 

"It all makes sense. Camila set me up. She set us up. She made Hunter meet up with me, made him kiss me so she could get a picture that looked sketchy, show it to you and then make you hate me so she could get with you." Austin's eyes widen in realisation, nodding his head as well.

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