Twenty Seven - I Want Her

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Author's Note


Okay that's enough procrastinating from me xD I finally UPDATED YAY. Sooo enjoy? xD

//Austin's POV//

As I say my goodbyes to Becky, I give her one last hug and tell her I'll text her later. She nods her head, smiles then gets in her car and drives off back to her place. I lug all my bags and my suitcase up to my front door and knock, waiting for my mum to hopefully open the door. A few minutes of waiting and the door creaks open.

"Austin? Honey, what are you doing back here?" My mum asks with a shocked, surprised expression on her face.

"I changed my mind about going. I just couldn't leave this place. I didn't want to go somewhere without anyone I knew and... I don't know, I would just miss you all too much." My mum stands in the doorway, with her mouth agape. She doesn't say anything and I begin to think that maybe she wanted me to leave... Well that feels nice. All of a sudden, she pulls me in to her arms and crushes me in an enormous bear hug.

"Well thank goodness for that! I was starting to think I would have to sneak a flight over there!" I laugh as I curl my arms around her waist.

"Really mum?"

"Yes, really. I swear, I was about to go crazy without you here with me. The house just... doesn't feel the same without you baby." I pull away just enough to talk to my mum. As I look into her eyes, they're glassy and I can see droplets of tears forming in her warm chocolate brown eyes.

"Aw, mum. Don't cry, it's okay. I won't leave you alright? I promise. If I ever come across an opportunity like that, I'll make sure they let you come with me. Deal?" She laughs away her tears and kisses the top of my head.

"Deal. Here, let me help you with your bags honey." She grabs one of my bags and a suitcase and lugs them inside, with me trailing behind her. She carries them up the stairs and into my room. I pull up behind her and place my bag and suitcase next to my other luggage. I plop down onto my bed, exhausted for some unknown reason and lay quietly, staring contentedly at the ceiling.

Well this was one eventful morning. One minute I was on my way to Miami, the next I'm lying down in my room looking at my plain, boring ceiling. And after everything that has happened in such a short time, I find myself bored as hell. I decide to check my phone to see if I have any messages from anyone and find a couple show up on my phone lock screen.

The first few are from Alex just wondering how my flight is and what's going on etcetera. I slide my screen across to view them so I can reply.

Alex Constancio: Hope your flight is going well even though there's like no wifi on the plane or whatever cos it fucks up the plane or some shit and you can't text me back anyways soo I dont even know why I'm texting you anyway but eh

Alex Constancio: And hope Miami is better than you expect. Don't be afraid to be who you are over there okay?

Alex Constancio: Imma miss you man... A lot. Cliché, I know 😂 But it's the truth

Alex Constancio: Aight man just text me when you land

I chuckle lowly a little at how genuine my best friend is. I type in replies to all of his messages.

Me: Yo, hey Alex. Actually... the flight isn't going as well as I thought.

As soon as I send my text, the three dots inside a bubble pop up instantly.

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