Twenty Four - I Guess This Is... Goodbye

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//Becky's POV//

"Austin! Hurry up, or we won't get to the airport on time! You don't want to miss your flight do you?!" Michelle's shrill voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up through my car screen to see Austin walking out his front door and shutting it close with his last bag and packing it in the boot of his mum's car along with the rest of his luggage. He hops into the passenger side of his car.

He looks at me signalling that we can leave now. Finally. I think to myself along with a slight roll of my eyes that, luckily, Austin didn't see. I start my car up just as Michelle does with hers. We back out of their driveway and head toward the airport. I follow behind close, trying not to lose track of them through the traffic.

I just can't wrap my head around the fact that Austin is moving across the country in just about 20 minutes. It's crazy and the worst part is? I can't do anything about it. Austin wouldn't just give up this once in a lifetime opportunity just because I didn't want him to leave. It sucks but it's the truth and the truth hurts like a bìtch.

A screeching beep interrupts my train of thought and I realise I've been sitting at a green light. I quickly drive forward before I disrupt anymore of this lethal traffic. People underestimate drivers. Here's a tip: Don't get them agitated! You seriously don't know what they're capable of.

Oh no! I think I lost Michelle and Austin! Ugh, dammit. I was so caught up in my thoughts I forgot to follow after Michelle. Thank god I know my way around! I head back on the way to the airport and pray to god I don't get lost or anything like that.

After about twenty minutes, I finally reach the airport. I seriously thought I was going to get lost or some sort of accident. I weave in and out of cars and head towards the parking lot. I spot Michelle and Austin unpacking their boot and park my car just across from them. I cut the engine and sit in my seat trying to process everything in my head. Austin is leaving in like a couple of minutes... Austin is leaving... Austin is leaving! I need to find a way to stop him. But this is his dream. I'll ruin his life if I sabotage this for him. Ugh, this sucks!

I don't want to ruin Austin's life. Seeing him sad breaks my heart, I don't even want to think how he'll be if I ruin his life.

I muster enough strength to get out of my car and help Austin with the rest of his luggage. As I approach Austin and Michelle, they're just shutting the boot of their car. Austin turns around, and as he sees me, a smirk forms on his plump lips. Oh gosh, what snarky comment has he got in store for me this time?

"Oh, Becky! There you are? What took you so long and where did you get off to? One minute you were trailing behind us, the next it was as if you had disappeared into thin air!" I roll my eyes but feel my face flush a deep red from embarrassment as I remeber the reason. I quickly change the subject in hopes of not having to answer Austin's question.

"So? Did you need some help with those bags? I can help you! Here!" I grab the first piece of luggage I see which happens to be Austin's largest and heaviest suitcase. Without thinking, I grab the handle of the bag and try my best to heave it up. Instead of me picking it up, the suitcase wins the fight by pulling me down. I topple over and fall, face first, flat onto the cold hard pavement. I land in an awkward position, the scorpion some might describe, as reffered to on Ridiculousness. (a/n i absolutely adore that show! anyone else?)

"Oh shít." "Oh no!" I hear Austin curse under his breath and Michelle exclaim in worry. I brush myself off quickly and stand up. Austin doesn't see me until it's too late. He crashes into me, causing us both to fall. Austin lands on top of me while I have the pleasure (note sarcasm) of bearing his weight along with the pain the impact of the fall created. I've lost count over how many times I've hurt myself in the past week. I probably have so many damn broken bones. At this rate, I might as well just get me some prosthetic limbs. "Crap Becky, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Austin jumps up just as quickly as he fell, also pulling me up with him.

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