One - She'll Be Stoked!

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Dedicated to AmEeZyBeCsTiN cos I said so ;P

//Austin's POV//

Beep, Beep, Beep! I hear my alarm clock blare in my ear. I slam my hand down on top of the snooze button causing the annoying noises to cease.

God, I hate that alarm clock so goddamn much. I run my hands over my face to wake me up a bit more. As I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, I remember what I had to do today and it instantly causes a lump to form in my throat. Today's the day when I'm going to be confronting my crush, the girl who I've been wanting for ages now.

I'm freaking so much like what if she doesn't like me back? Or what if she is taken already and I didn't even know? How embarassing would that be? Oh, right. Very. I sigh and hop off of my bed and get changed.

Once I'm done, I sit back down on my bed and grab my phone from off of my bedside table.

I unlock it and tap on the contacts icon. I scroll through my contacts until I find her name. I tap on it and then tap "New Message". My phone immediately redirects me to iMessage.

I type in my message and before I have anytime to chicken out I exhale, "Fúck it." before pressing send.

Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? I kinda wanted to talk to you about something :)

I anxiously wait for her reply and after a few minutes, I receive a message from her saying:

Yeah! We can meet up at Birdwood Park if you want? In ten minutes?

I send a quick reply.

Yep. I can do that. See you soon :)

A smile breaks out on my face as I turn my phone off and slip it into one of my jean pockets.

I grab my keys from off of my desk and head downstairs. My mum is sitting on the couch watching her usual dose of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I roll my eyes and smirk. I come up behind her and surprise her with a peck on her cheek.

"Oh, hey baby. Are you going somewhere?" I nod my head and tell her where I'm going, what I'm doing and when I think I'll be back.

She smiles at me before giving me a side hug and letting me go. I head out to my car, hop inside and drive off towards the park.


I arrive at the park and switch my car off heading out. I make my way over to one of the vacant benches to wait for her.

I sit and wait patiently. It hasn't even been five minutes and I'm already starting to get anxious. I start bouncing my leg up and down to somehow calm my nerves. It doesn't help much.

I practice my little speech I have prepared even though I know I'm probably going to forget it once she comes.

Will she like me back? I have no idea. I hope she does or else it will just be really awkward. Come on you can do it! When she arrives, just tell her how you feel. It's not that hard, right?

Yes it is! Maybe I'm just a wuss but... I really don't know. All I know is that if I don't get this over and done with soon, I'm probably going to throw up last night's butter chicken onto the pathway.

As I'm going over my speech again, two small hands enclose themselves around my eyes and I can't help but smile knowingly.

"Guess who?" I hear her soft, yet seductive voice purr in my ear. Shivers run down my spine reflexively. I feel a little more calmer now that she's here but I still feel a tad anxious.

"Hey, Camila." She removes her hands, letting me know I've guessed correctly. She laughs and sits next to me.

"Hey, Austin." She beams her beautiful smile at me and my heart melts. This girl, what is she doing to me?

"Sooo, you wanted to talk about something?" Camila inquires and I just nod my head.

"Yeah, I did. I, um... I just, well um you see-" Camila cuts me off with her angelic giggle.

"Spit it out, Austin." I can feel my hands shivering, I'm just so nervous. My hands feel clammy from the sweat that's beginning to build up in my palms.

What if she rejects me? What if she doesn't like me back? What if this ruins our whole friendship? I can hear someone calling my name and I realise it's Camila. I snap out of my thoughts and focus on her.

"Austin! Are you okay?"

"Oh, uh sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts." She nods her head suspiciously but gestures for me to continue.

"I could see that. So um what did you want to tell me again?" Camila asks. Okay here goes. Like Nike™ says, "Just Do It."

"Um Camila. You know we've been friends for a while now right?" My voice wavers a little but I manage to control it.

"Yeah.." Her eyebrows furrow in curiosity. I take a deep breath before blurting everything out before I chicken out or choke.

"Okay I'll just say it. I really like you. Like, like you, like you. A lot. I have for a while now. I just didn't have the guts to tell you up front.. Well what I'm trying to say is, will you go out with me?" I quickly stop myself to see what her response will be. Camila is quiet for a little and kind of just stares at me, shocked.

"Oh gosh... I don't know what to say, I-" I quickly cut her off, brushing everything off like it didn't mean anything and I was playing around.

"Okay, you know what? Just um forget I ever said anything. You don't like me that's fine. I should just go."

"No! I didn't mean it like that, I..." She hesitates and I wait for her answer.

"You what?" I begin to get a little impatient and I swear my heart is so close to ripping out of my chest.

"I like you too... A lot. I have liked you for a long time now. And I would love to go on that date with you." When that comes out of her mouth, I sit there waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come out of nowhere with the 'Prank'd' crew, screaming "You Just Got Pranked!" and laughing in my face but they don't. I breathe a small sigh of relief.

"Really?" Is she serious right now? I swear if this is a joke...

She nods her head. Wow, she actually really likes me. All I can do is smile. She smiles right back. I restrain myself from jumping up and whooping joyfully and doing weird happy dances. Just.

"Hey um how about we go on that date now? To the movies or something or the arcade?"

"Yeah, I'd love that! It's better than being stuck in my house for the whole day doing nothing. I'd rather hang out with my boyfriend." She nudges my shoulder and wiggles her eyebrows playfully while I laugh. She's just too cute. When she says 'boyfriend' and refers to me, I find it so surreal and heart warming. I mean I've been crushing on this girl for a few years now and she's officially my girlfriend like wow!

"Yeah. I'd rather hang out with my girlfriend too." She blushes and I find it very adorable. We head towards my car and as we do, Camila laces her fingers with mine and my heart starts racing. I smile down at her as she wraps her arm around mine and pulls me close. I sigh, content and happy. I can't wait to tell Becky all about this! She'll be stoked for me!

+ + +

Author's Note

First chapter done, yay!

Hope you all enjoy my book lovelies xx

Btw, I know you may seemed confused right now because he asked Camila out and not Becky but it's apart of the story alright xD so chill mmkay :) x


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