Twenty Two - It's Now Or Never

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Author's Note

Dedicated to: @washu_potato cos your comments always make me laugh, haha your awesome ♡ ily x

//Becky's POV//

I lie in my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. I haven't managed to get one wink of sleep. Come to think of it, I've had quite a few sleepless nights the past few months. I turn my head slowly so that I'm facing my alarm clock. It reads 2:26am.

I still cannot process any of this information in my head. I just can't believe that in just a few hours, my best friend will be leaving to move across the country and most likely never come back. It's just so much to take in, in such a short amount of time. I wish I could be happy for him like a best friend should be, but... I just can't.

I realise how much I've taken Austin for granted. I thought he would always be here with me, by my side and when the time came for us to move somewhere, I thought we would be moving together. I realise how selfish I've been the past few weeks, months maybe even years!

I realise how much I miss his touch, the way his arms would wrap around me in a familiar, warm, comforting embrace when I needed him the most. The way his eyes would scrunch close and crinkles would appear in the corner of his eyes when he laughed. The way his face would light up when he was happy and the way he'd smile at me whenever we saw each other.

I then think about how much I've ignored him and left him out of my life. How many times he's walked in here and I've pushed him right back out. How many times he's apologised for not believing me and me being a, stubborn little shit, ripping his apology up into a million tiny pieces and chucking it back into his face. How many times we've cursed and shouted rude, cruel things out of spite just to hurt each other.

I just thought we were having a little break from each other so that we could both pull ourselves together but, boy was I wrong. I wasn't expecting him to up and move across the country!

I can't let him leave, not when we're on bad terms. I need to set things straight, make sure we're good before he leaves. Maybe even convince him to stay... here, with me. Okay I'm going to do it. I get up off of my bed and quietly put my ugg boots on and a jumper. I sneak out of my window and hop into my car and make my way to Austin's house.

It's now or never.

//Austin's POV//

I sit on my floor surrounded by my belongings that I was supposed to pack hours before. I stare emotionlessly at my unfolded clothes tousled carelessly around my room and my empty unzipped suitcase waiting to be filled with my stuff.

I muster enough strength to look up and face my clock. 2:48am. Have I really been up for that long? I guess it's no surprise really. I've been having quite a few sleepless nights lately. I heave out a long saddening sigh.

I can't believe that I'm moving across the country in a few hours to start my new career in the music industry. How crazy is that? I should be happy, excited, jumping and screaming for joy but for some reason... I just can't, and I think I know the reason why.


We've never been separated for long periods of time or distances. The farthest we've ever been apart is a couple of miles away when I went on holiday and the longest amount of time we've ever been separated would be a few days. Just the thought of being away from Becky makes my heart ache.

I couldn't bear to be apart from Becky when I was on that holiday. I hated being away from her, it was like a piece of me was missing and it hurt like hell. I'd talk or text her non-stop for hours on end just so I wouldn't go crazy or anything. She kept me sane.

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