Seventeen - A Little Surprise

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//Austin's POV//

Becky slams the door in my face leaving me standing there stunned and confused as hell about what just happened. Did Becky really say all of those really hurtful things to me? Did she really just say it to my face? Yes she did. Wow, I just... I'm stunned and shocked. Where did all of that come from anyway?

I linger on her doorstep before walking back to my car and sitting in the driver's seat.

She hates me? I ruined her life? Where is all of this coming from? Becky wouldn't say all that to me right? She's my best friend, she wouldn't be thinking that right? Or maybe... maybe she does feel like that and just hasn't had the guts to say anything to me...

No! Stop thinking like that Austin! She's just going through a phase. Her emotions are all over the place right now. Well I can't really blame her can I? She's gone through so much these past months. I just need to give her space and maybe just maybe she'll come back to me right?

Yes. That's what I'll do, give her space. Even though that's going to be the hardest thing ever to do. Especially in a time like this. I start my car and start driving back to my house. As I'm putting my car in park and switching it off, I receive a text from an unknown number... Um okay?

Unknown Number: Hey Austin. It's Camila. I was wondering if you're not busy... Would you like to hang out? As friends nothing more. I think we need to talk.

I can't believe she has the guts to text me after everything she did. Does she really think I want to talk let alone hang out with her, especially after what she did? Well she's crazier than I thought if she thinks the answer's yes.

Me: Why the hell would you expect me to hang out or talk to you after what you did? You're crazy if you think I'm gonna say yes.

Unknown Number: Please Austin. I just want to sort everything out with you. I'm sorry okay? Please please forgive me Austin!

Me: Let me think about that... No. Don't text me again, and delete my number! You fúcking stalker!

I delete all the messages from Camila and her number, everything associated with Camila then stuff my phone back in my pocket before hopping out and walking back inside my house. My mum must be at work, great now I'm all alone inside this huge house. I walk back up to my room and chuck my keys on my desk before flopping down exhausted on my bed.

I hear my phone ringing and I assume it's my mum so I pick it up.

"Please Austin! I just want to sort this out! Just give me a chance!" Camila's voice rings in my ear.

"No! I don't care what you want! I'm not going to give you another chance! I hate liars, and creepy stalkers! Stay away from me!" I shout into the receiver before hanging up on Camila. God, she's so exhausting! Why the hell did I want to go out with her in the first place? Like, eugh!

I lay on my bed for a few more seconds in silence, before my phone erupts into annoying ringing noises. This time I check the caller I.D so I know it's not an unknown number, ay kay ay Camila Cabello. I look down at the name and quickly answer it.

"Austin! Dude, where have you been man? Long time no talk!" My other best friend Alex screams into the receiver. I pull my ear away for a minute to make sure I can still hear. I put it back and start conversing with Alex.

"Hey man! I know, I've been busy with a lot of stuff. These past months have been so hectic." I let out an exasperated sigh to emphasise my tiredness.

"Aww, well I've got a little surprise for you. It might cheer you up a little." I can just see Alex beaming excitedly through the beam. I can hear the excitement in his voice.

"Really? What is it?" I sit up suddenly interested in what Alex had to say.

"Well I kinda can't tell you since it's a surprise. Note the heavy sarcasm Austin." I can just see him smirking into the phone.

I roll my eyes before responding. "Okay fine whatever. Don't tell me then."

"I won't, don't worry. Just come to my house tomorrow. 5pm sharp. Oh and bring your mum as well. She will probably want to be here for this."

"Yes, Sir. Alex... Sir."

"You're a dork Austin." He laughs and I join in with him. We end the call by saying our goodbyes to each other.

I wonder what surprise Alex has in store for me...

+ + +

Author's Note

You hate me, I know cos it's short but we all need a short chapter to calm us down and such cx

Dedications anyone? xo


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