Thirty Two - Snapped

447 22 13

Author's Note

This chapter might be a little short and triggering so just a warning sorryyy :(

Also sorry for the long aśś wait, i was being a thirsty bítch and waiting til we got to 20k xD im sorryyy but yeh we got there an I'm really happy :D

Also wattpad was being a little bítch and when I tried posting, it just deleted this part so I had to rewrite it which pissed me off and ugh bit yeh anywaysss you can read now cx

Songs for this chapter

•One Life - Justin Bieber

•Right Now - One Direction

•Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer

•Everything I Didn't Say - 5 Seconds of Summer

//Becky's POV//

As I reverse hurriedly out of Austin's driveway, I see him burst through the front door just as I speed away.

How could he? How could Austin do that to me? We had only just officially made ourselves a couple last night! Was he going with Camila this entire time? Was he two timing me? Ugh, díckhead!

I cannot believe this! I cannot believe him! Tears blur my vision and I hurriedly try to wipe them away so I can see properly.

I don't want to go home because I don't want my family nagging me about why I'm crying and what happened. I really don't need that right now.

I unconsciously press down on the accelerator pedal harder, making me go faster. I blubber and the tears fall down harder and faster as thoughts and images of Camila kissing Austin cram inside my brain. I let out my frustration through screaming.

I'm too busy trying to get my shít together that I don't realise the traffic light has gone red and I completely run it.

I don't see the car until it's too late. All I remember is a loud crash and the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced in my entire life before black.


//Austin's POV//

|Later on that night|

Becky, Becky, Becky. I just can't stop thinking about her and Hunter. Something just doesn't seem right and everytime I come close to calming down and sorting my thoughts out, the image of Becky's lips against Hunters' immediately rekindles the burning flame of hatred.

I just can't believe Becky would do something like that to me after one day of officially making us a couple. It just doesn't seem right! It's not like her.

Well then again, it's not like her to cheat on anyone yet she did it to me. You would think someone who was cheated on before would hate to do it to someone else because they know how painful it can be. Guess I was wrong. What a bítch!

I need to calm myself before I start messing up the whole house. I throw myself onto the couch and sit huffing heavily.

I grab the TV remote and skim through the channels. Nothing good is on except for the news so I just decide to watch that.

"-teenage girl has died due to one fatal car accident around 3-4pm this afternoon." Oh my god no. T-that's Becky's car.

"We have yet to identify the girl but police officers want to keep that information private." Holy fúck no. No it can't be.

"From what we've heard though, John, a few of the police officers were saying something about a Rebecca Gomez. We're assuming that is the name of the deceased. As for the other victim, we don't know."

"The other victim was more lucky to survive, yet still is in critical condition. She suffered many cuts to the forehead and bruises to the legs. Medics suspect she may have had a really bad concussion-"

I immediately switch the TV and have this uncontrollable urge to hurl and throw up everything I've ever eaten.

This, this... this cannot be true! There must be some sort of mistake! I refuse to believe! I just...

Becky is... dead. Becky's actually dead.

And my last words to her were: "Dammit! Fine then! Leave you cowardly cheating bítch!"

Why Austin?! Why the fúck would you say something like that you dumbaśś! I crash down onto my knees and let the tears gush down out of my eyes. I bury my head into my hands and just cry all my feelings out.

"Becky, oh god Becky. Baby. I'm so sorry." I mutter to myself while curling my legs up to my chest and rocking back and forth.

Tears continue spilling down my face, creating a river of emotions and feelings which flow and ripple around me.

For what feels like hours, I finally stop crying but then I fall into that blank state where nothing matters and you just feel so empty.

I can't stay here without Becky... I just can't, it's too much. I stand and walk up to the bathroom. Am I really going to do this?

Yes. I am. An unknown sensation weighs me down and I can only guess what it is. I arrive at the bathroom and scan it and find exactly what I want.

A razor.

I clutch it in my hands. My hand quivers uncontrollably as I place the razor against my skin. The cold, sleek blade stings my skin as I pull it across, shredding the thin layer of skin on my arm.

Blood bubbles up and it hurts so fúcking much. I cut again in a different place, savouring the deliciously painful sensation.

"Becky, Becky, Becky!" I scream in between slices.

"Why Becky?! Why Becky?! Out of the 7 fúcking billion people, you decide to take Becky! WHY?! WHY NOT ME?! FÚCK!" I scream and scream, slice and slice, cry and cry. Once the pain begins to overwhelm me and I run out of places to cut I collapse onto the ground, in a crying, bloody, blubbering mess.

At that moment someone crashes through the bathroom door. It's my mum.

"Austin? Where have you been? I've been calling you too come and se-. Oh my god. Baby, what are you doing?!" My mum rushes over to me and rips the razor out of my hand, grabs a towel and starts hastily trying to stop the blood flow. She then caresses my face into her hands.

"Becky." Is all I say in reply.

"Why Austin? Why did you do this to yourself?!" My mum shouts in my face and I cower away. Tears begin filling her eyes and I start to feel like complete and absolute shít.

"I'm sorry mum. This is the first time ever. I was just so caught up in Becky's death that I-" My mum quickly interjects.

"What do you mean?"

"I was overwhelmed with grief over Becky's death. That's why I cut myself mum. I'm sorry, please don't be mad or sad. It hurts more than the cuts seeing you like that." My mum stares at me then begins crying, but I can tell it's not from grief or any bad emotion.

"What? What's wrong mum?" She looks up into my eyes and smiles.

"Baby, Becky's not dead."



Welp that was a pretty intense chapter dontcha think? xD Especially with the whole cutting scene, I really hope that didn't faze any of you :( I'm real sorry if it did, i really didn't mean to :(

Ily all, please be happy bbys xx

We are so close to the end though omg xD Its kinda bittersweet ending this book but yah xD


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