Twenty - Confessions

791 37 2

//Becky's POV//

"W-what? You're what, sorry?" I ask hoping that I just heard him wrong.

"I'm moving away Becky. I was just signed to Cash Money Records, can you believe that? And well I have to move so that it'll be easier for them to do stuff with me instead of travelling across the country, back and forth." Wait hang on, did Austin just say he was signed? To a record label? When? Why didn't anyone tell me? Why didn't Austin tell me?...

"When were you signed?"

"This afternoon. You're never going to guess who set it all up!" Austin exclaims casually.

"Who was it?"


"Um, Alex?" He shakes his head.

"That's the best guess I have... So who set it up?"

"Camila! Can you believe that? Like I was so stunned when I found out. I can't believe she would go to such lengths just to get me signed to a record label." I just nod, unsure of what to say. I then clicked. That's why they were at Pizza Hut, because they were celebrating and the text from Camila, she was serious! No, please, no! Don't let Austin leave!

"I just thought I'd pop by to tell you, just in case..."

"When are you leaving?" Austin's face sinks a bit. Oh gosh, I know what he's going to say. He's going tomorrow.

"Uhh... T-tomorrow. My managers want to get started straight away so I'm flying to Miami tomorrow morning, can you believe it?! I'm so excited!"

"Wh-what time exactly?" I manage to squeak out.

"Uhh, around nine in the morning. I have to get up really early which sucks because that means I have to leave for the airport around seven or eight so I don't miss my flight and then there's the problem with traffic and-" I cut Austin off not wanting to hear another single word slip out of his mouth.

"Stop!" I scream. Austin instantly stops exclaiming his excitement and looks at me, confused.


"You can't!" I shout in his face.

"Becky, calm do-"

"No! You can't leave me! You promised! We're best friends and we stick together no matter what! You can't just leave me!" I shout, enraged, with tears of anger now streaming hard and fast down my cheeks.

"Becky, c'mon. This is my dream, this is what I've always wanted. Why are you holding me back? Why can't you be happy for me? Jeez, I know you hate me but you know I've wanted this for years now."

"I don't hate you, Austin! I can't be happy because you're leaving me, that's why! I can't live without you by my side! I need you, I want you, I-I love you!"

Did I really just say that? Oh god!

It's out in the open now,  so there's no going back. I just want him to stay! I'll do whatever it takes if he'll just stay with me. Right now I don't give two shìts about Camila's threats. If it means I can have Austin, I don't care.

Austin stops trying to soothe me and stands there, face paled.

"W-what did you say Becky?" He asks, stuttering a little.

"You heard me! I said I love you! I've loved you ever since we met and became friends and eventually best friends! But that all went down the drain when that rat Camila showed up! She ruined my life! Why can't you see that?!" I scream, now fully crying.

"Y-you l-love m-me? B-but how? W-why? I'm so confused." Austin steps away from me, shaking his head.

I don't answer, instead I continue bawling my eyes out.

"Just go! Leave me here all alone! Go live your happy life in Miami with Camila and just forget about me! Go! Go ahead!" I shout through sniffles and tears.

"Becky, just calm down alright? You've gone through so much these past months. You just need some time to cool down."

"How the hell am I supposed to calm down when you're leaving me tomorrow to move across the damn country Austin? Tell me how?!"

"I-I don't know..."

"Exactly. Just get out and never come back. Oh wait, you've already got the 'never coming back' part figured out haven't you?" I spit in his face. He doesn't hesitate at all to get up and leave my room which hurts like hell.

I shut the door behind him as he walks away. Just when I thought I was getting my life back together, Austin just had to drop that bomb on me and blow everything up. Again!

+ + +

Author's Note

Dedicated to @Morganoneal22 cos vote spams lol and correcting me cx I need that lol

I know I know its short but I had to get something up for you guys since you reached my goal cx I promise the next chapter will be better... hopefully cx


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