Four - Becky?

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//Austin's POV//

As the movie ends, I breathe out a sigh of relief. Wow, that was boring. I was expecting more jump scares and more horror and such but I was disappointed. It was more like a thriller rather than a horror. The Conjuring was way better in my opinion. Then again, prequels are always crappier.

But it seems as though Camila has a totally different opinion on the movie.

"Oh my gosh! That movie was so awesome!" Camila exclaims as we walk out of the theatre and into the foyer.

"It was meh for me." Camila cocks an eyebrow at me and smirks.

"Oh really? I think my most likely bruised arm from you clutching it so tightly says otherwise." My cheeks redden.

"Psht, what are you talking about? I was just... holding onto you 'cause I wanted to."

Wow Austin, great excuse. My subconscious snarkily remarks.

"Mhm, sure baby. Whatever you say." She smirks and hooks her arm around mine, pulling me close. I'll never get tired of her being this close to me. Plus, she smells so good. Like strawberries and cream.

"Hey Austin, you wanna play in the arcade for a little bit?" We're heading in the direction of the games so why not?

"Yeah sure." We walk into the arcade and play pretty much all of the games in sight. We start off with one of the claw games. I win her a Berry from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2.

She squeals in delight as she pulls it out of the little slot and crushes me in a hug.

"Thank you, it's so cute." She hugs it to her chest and I can't help but think about how adorable the whole scene is.

"Not cuter than you." She looks up, smiles and laughs at me.

"Not as cute as your cheesiness." She sticks her tongue at me while I laugh back.


We then head off to play the Basketball game. She wins, I have no idea how. The score was 22 to Camila and 12 to me. My excuse was that my arm was just tired and I guess it was pretty true... Kind of.

After we finish playing all of the games in the arcade, we head out to the parking lot. I ask Camila if she wants to go get a slurpee from 7/11 seeing as I also need to fill up my tank. She agrees willingly and we head off toward the closest 7/11.

During the ride, we talk about our favourite parts in the movie.

We laugh about how scared we were and after our laughing fit we sit completely quiet, both of us content and happy. I place my hand on her thigh once again as she looks over at me and smiles that beautiful smile of hers while I return it. As I look towards the road, something catches my eye on the side, on the path to be more exact.

As I get closer I realise it's a person. I slow down a bit to get a clearer view of the figure, pulling over in the process. Camila asks why I'm pulling over but I ignore her and hop out of the car. I walk towards the figure thinking it's a girl who's lost or something. I see her beautiful face with mascara running down her cheeks and it's....

//Becky's POV//

"Becky?" I hear someone say my name. It sounds really familiar. It sounds like Austin. I sniffle and look up to see Austin with worried eyes. Oh my gosh, I'm a mess! I hurriedly wipe at my eyes and face. I try and walk away quickly before I embarrass myself even more, but Austin catches my wrist and pulls me toward him. I try and wriggle out of his grip realising that I'm still angry from earlier when he blew me off but he tightens his hold around my hand. I can tell he's not going to let go anytime soon unless I stay.

I give up and he finally lets go of me.

"Hey, what's wrong Becky? What are you doing out here? What happened?" Austin asks me with a worried tone in his voice. He strokes my cheek with his soft thumb. I don't want to tell him anything but looking at his accidental puppy dog eyes and his amazing irresistable voice I just couldn't help myself. I break down in tears and spill everything to Austin in between splutters.

"Hunter... text... me... awkward ride... I... was... angry.... argument... with... Hunter.... Dropped.... me off here..." I don't think Austin understood anything that I said, but hopefully he has some sort of idea. After I calm myself down, Austin trys to recap on what I... well tried to say.

"So Hunter texted you right?" I nod my head.

"And he took you for an awkward car ride?"

"Well yeah kind of." My voice is hoarse from crying so much and I sound like I smoked three packs a day.

"Okay and you got angry, had an argument and then you made him drop you off on the pathway." Woah, he actually understood what I was trying to say that whole time. He knows me so well.

"Um yeah. That pretty much sums up what happpened." I can feel some more tears welling up in my eyes, and Austin can tell as well. Before the first tear escapes my eye, Austin pulls me into one of his famous comforting hugs. Forgetting about this morning and my anger at him, I end up crying into his shoulder, with my arms wrapped around his neck and his around my waist.

I hear something, a noise. Me and Austin pull away from our embrace wondering what that noise was... There it is again. It sounds like someone coughing or something. Austin looks over at his car, and so do I. I see a girl with her head outside the window. She's doing that 'Ahem' thingy. Um okay. I wonder who she is.

"Austin come on hurry!" I hear the girl say. Who does she think she is? Couldn't she see that I was having a break down. What the hell?

"Um I'm coming, just hang on a sec." Austin turns back to me.

"Hey do you want me to drop you off at your house, or do you want to come to mine? Um Camila's going to come to my house as well just saying." Oh so her name is Camila. Interesting, that sounds really familiar. Austin waits for my answer.

"Yeah, okay. Just drop me off at my house." And with that I follow Austin back to his car and hop into the back seat. Great, another awkward car ride for me. Yay!

+ + +

Author's Note

Um I dunno what to put in these anymore xD

But I hope you're enjoying the story so far nonetheless :)


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