Eighteen - HO-LY CRAP!

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Author's Note

The title and blurb have been changed, just in case there's any confusion. Nothing was really fitting so yeah :) x (originally Just Friends now Messed Up)

//Austin's POV//

I rub my eyes, trying to adjust to reality. My phone buzzes showing me I have a text. I pull my phone off of my bedside table to see who it's from.

Alex Constancio: Hey man, where are you? It's ten past 5! Hurry up!

What? Am I supposed to be somewhere? Why is he telling me to hurry up? I am totally lost right now. I fish through my thoughts and memories wondering what the hell Alex is talking about. When I come up with nothing I decide to just ask Alex.

Me: Dude, what are you talking about?

My phone lights up after a few seconds.

Alex Constancio: I told you to be here at 5pm sharp! I have a surprise! If you don't come now, that surprise is going to leave.

What. the. heck. is. he. going. on. about. I take a few minutes to register what he texted me and then click.

Oh right. My surprise. But what does he mean that it's going to leave? Does the surprise have legs?

Me: Wait what do you mean my surprise is going to leave?

Alex Constancio: You'll find out just hurry up!

Me: Alright, alright. Be there in 10.

Alex Constancio: Fine. But hurry up!

I ignore the last message and decide to get up and get ready. I'm anxious and nervous to see what the surprise is. I wonder what Alex got me...

I walk out of my room and into my mum's to find her asleep on her bed, still in her uniform from last night. She works way too hard. I gently shake my mum to get her up. She moans quietly but doesn't open her eyes.

"Mum, hey. It's me Austin. Alex has a surprise for me and he wants you to come with me." She finally opens her eyes and faintly smiles.

"Alright. I'll be ready in 5." I nod as she gets up and walks to her closet.

20 minutes later we're in the car and heading toward Alex's house. We get there and it's 5:37pm. I'm going to get so much shít from Alex for being late...

My mum and I both hop out of the car at the same time and walk towards Alex's front door. I ring the flash new doorbell he had just installed. Not even five seconds go by and Alex is at the door with a pretty pissed off look. It instantly softens as he sees my mum standing next to me.

"Finally! You're here. Your surprise was just about to leave. I've stalled them long enough. Come on before they change their mind." He pulls me by my arm and drags me to the lounge. My mother trails behind as we reach the living room. Two men stand there, a relieved expression on their face once they see... Me? Is this my surprise? Like... what?

"So is this Austin, Alex?" Alex nods and nudges me forward. One of the guys walk up to me holding their hand out for me to shake. I take it and make the handshake firm, just in case.

"Hi. I'm Rocco Valdes and this is Michael Blumstein. We are from YMCMB and we saw some of your videos on Youtube. We both agreed that we liked what we saw and heard. I'll just get to the point and say we want to sign you to our record label." He smiles as he waits for my response.

(a/n excuse my mistakes referring to the record label and people cx i swear i did my research xD)

HO-LY CRAP. Did this guy just say he wanted to sign me? Me! Am I hallucinating?

"W-what? Did you ask me of you wanted to sign me? To a record label?" They nod their heads.

"Well with your mother's permission of course." I look at my mum and give her my puppy dog eyes hoping she lets me go. She sighs before letting it out.

"Of course it's a yes! My baby is going to be signed to a record label!" She envelopes me into a loving warm hug and I take it willingly. Once we pull apart, we settle everything with my new managers. Once everything is done, my managers add a little detail.

"Oh and well since our record label is in Miami, Florida that means you're going to have to move. Not houses, but just somewhere near the studio so that we'll be closer and it will be easier to set everything up. We can get you an apartment or something temporary for you to stay in when you're in Miami. We hope that's alright with you." I nod my head frantically. My mum is hesitant but agrees. I can't help but wonder who set this up. Oh wait, it's pretty obvious.

"Thanks Alex! You're awesome! I can't believe you got them to come here-"

"What are you talking about Austin? It wasn't me, it was your-" He nudges me playfully. "-Crush, Camila Cabello." My face pales. What? Camila did all of this? Why? Just at that moment, Camila walks into the lounge, a large smile on her face.

"Do I get a thank you?" She asks, her arms outstretched waiting for a hug. All my hate and anger is suddenly washed away briefly as I walk over to her bundling her up into my arms.

"Thank you so much Camila! I can't thank you enough for this! It's been my dream to be signed by a record label and you just made it come true!" I say while crushing her in a hug.

"No worries, Austin. It was the least I could do after everything I did to you and Becky. I don't know what was wrong with me but all I know is that I really am sorry. Please forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you Camila. I know what you did was wrong, really wrong and I don't think we can go right back to where we were but I can settle for friends. Sound good?" She nods her head up and down really fast and wraps her arms back around my neck.

Wait 'til I tell Becky! She's going to be so- Oh wait. She hates me. She probably won't want to listen to me anyway. I decide to push thoughts of Becky to the back of my mind and enjoy right now.

I can't believe I'm going to be officially part of the music industry! I can't wait what it has to offer!

"I think calls for a celebration!" My new manager Rocco shouts out. We all agree whooping while walking out the door to God knows where.

+ + +

Author's Note

Dedicated to @Justinsmahone96 cos she asked lol and she seems like a cool person ♡ ily x

Becstin are officially my new OTP like no shit cx

If I'm being honest, I actually didn't really care that much about Becstin before writing this fanfic (I was forced to write it for my friend lol xD) But writing this has made me like them a whole lot like yES

Becstin are so adorable ohmg my heart ♡


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