Sixteen - I Don't Want You To Get Hurt

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//Becky's POV//

"Becky!" My sister shouts from downstairs. I can't be bothered responding because I know my reply will come out as a croak. I curl up more into my blankets, sniffling occasionally.

"Becky!" My sister shouts again.

"Leave me alone." I reply, my voice hoarse. I don't think my sister heard me. I barely heard it. I ignore her once more before her voice booms from downstairs.

"REBECCA MARIE GOMEZ! GET DOWN HERE NOW! YOU HAVE A VISITOR!" I'm startled at the intensity and volume of her voice. I better go down so I don't piss her off anymore.

I drag my aśś slowly and lazily out of bed, taking my time. I walk over to my mirror and wipe at my puffy, bloodshot eyes. I apply bits of makeup to hide my hurt and sadness. I practice my fake smile in the mirror, making sure it's believable. Once I'm satisfied I chuck on a decent casual outfit instead of my pyjamas.

I walk down the stairs not knowing who would be at the door for me.

"Finally Becky! Took you long enough! There's someone at the door for you!" My sister shouts exasperatedly in my face. I just roll my eyes in response.

"Who is it?" I reply blankly.

"Why don't you go find out for yourself?" I try my very hardest not to roll my eyes at my sister again who is already pissed enough at me.

"Fine." I walk toward the front door and open it. I gasp when I see Austin in front of me. No, no, no, no, no!

"Hey Becky... I saw your uh note..." He rubs the back of his neck, something he does when he's really nervous. Oh god Austin! Just go home! I don't want anything to happen to you!

Do I respond nicely or rudely?

Which will keep him away? Being rude definitely.

But that'll hurt too much seeing the pain in his face caused by my words.

But it'll keep him from me and from danger.

Sacrifices have to be made.

I argue internally with myself... What is wrong with me?

"So? Didn't you understand it? I'm busy right now and you're interrupting." I say in a clipped tone.

"Oh... Sorry. Are you sure that's it?" He presses on.

"Yes. What else would there be? I don't want you around so go away!" My voice starts to increase in volume.

"What did I do wrong Becky? Tell me!" Austin starts becoming agitated, I can tell. A vein is starting to show on his neck and for some reason, I find it hot... Goddamit Becky! Focus!

"Austin, just go please. I don't want you to get hurt." I soften my voice and turn my gaze to the ground.

"What are you talking about Becky? Why are you acting like this? What did I do wrong?!" Austin demands. I hesitate before letting everything out. Just think of Austin as Camila. That should help. I suddenly burst out with all of my emotions and anger and everything that I've been bottling up for the past week or so.

"EVERYTHING! You ruined my whole entire fúcking life! I hate you! Stay the fúck away from me! I never ever want to see you again ever! Piss off!" I shout in Camila's face. Once my vision clears I realise it's not Camila but Austin. Oh my gosh, I just said all that too Austin's face. I better apologise- No! Keep Austin out of danger! Instead of taking everything back I slam the door shut in Austin's stunned shocked face.

I walk away quickly before I break down in front of everyone. As I'm walking past my sister, she's gaping at me like I just murdered someone in front of her. I ignore her and walk right back up to my room. I slam the door and jump back onto my bed. I start hysterically crying into my pillow.

Why?! WHY?!

+ + +

Author's Note

Dedicated to @jaslove2414 for vote spams ♡ ily

Okay imma leave it at that cos I can't be bothered writing anything else for the chapter sooo xD

And also 1.31k reads like wtf? Thank you my goodness you all are amazing xo


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