Twenty Three - I Just Made A Grown Man Cry

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//Becky's POV//

As Austin pulls away from the kiss, I'm so tempted to grab his head and pull him back so that our lips reconnect but I restrain myself... just. He places his forehead against mine and I respond by wrapping my arms around his neck while he places his around my waist.

As we both breathe in and out, it seems as if we're breathing together, at the same time, in sync. We stand in the middle of his room, amongst all the clutter crowding the floor, comfortable silence accompanying us. My eyes slowly close as I let out a sigh of relief and contentment. I know that Austin's going to be leaving in a few hours, but as I stand here in Austin's arms I only care about what's happening now, not what's going to happen later, but what's happening now.

"Becky?" Austin is the first to break the silence. I hum in response.

"You know I'm leaving soon, right?" That one sentence breaks me out of my state of euphoria and I instantly stiffen. I hesitate before answering him.

"Yes." I don't bother to say anymore because I know it won't be anything nice. Austin sighs, but this time it's not satisfaction or happiness, but grief and a hint of anger and annoyment.

"Becky, I know you don't wa-"

"You don't know what I want Austin." I snap, a little too harshly.

"Okay, that's true. But all I know is that this is what I want Becky. I know we're not going to see each other as often as we would usually, but that doesn't mean we can't still be best friends. It doesn't mean you should treat me any different. That goes for me as well. I promise I won't treat you any different Becky, even though we're going to be miles apart." He places his hand under my chin and tilts my head up so that I'm looking up at him.

I try to pull my gaze away from his, but he doesn't budge. Still, I try and pull away.

"Becky... please. Look at me." I shut my eyes, not wanting to look at those adorable eyes of his because I know I'll break.

"Please, Becky." His voice cracks a little at the end and I feel a little drop of water on my shoulder. Oh gosh, he's crying. I just made a grown man cry... I feel like shít now. I hear a couple of sniffles and as I open my eyes, I'm greeted by bloodshot red eyes and a blotchy red face. I feel a little bit inside of me break as I look at Austin in this state of his. I pull him into a warm embrace of mine while whispering in his ear repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, Austin. I'm so sorry Austin." I guide us to his bed and sit us both down all the while still holding him in my arms. We sit there for a few more minutes, Austin letting out all his emotions which I'm guessing he's been bottling up for quite a while. He finally pulls away from my embrace, sniffling and wiping some excess snot (a/n soz for the image) from his nose which I don't find disgusting in the slightest like I would with any other person. But that's just it, he's not just anyone.

He's Austin Mahone.

My Austin Mahone.

Well I wish I could call him mine, but I know he doesn't feel that way about me...

"Becky... I think we should get some sleep, Well me anyway, I've got a really big day today because... you know." I just nod my head. Austin lies down, while I stand to return to my house but he catches my wrist and pulls me back toward him. I turn my head and he's looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Stay... please." I hesitate for like the third time tonight but give in to his plea. I walk over to his bedside and carefully climb into the empty space beside Austin. I lay down and stiffen a bit as Austin spoons me. I don't respond, unsure of what to do. I relax a little after a bit and place my hands on his and lace my fingers with his. Austin gladly accepts my small, yet meaningfully gesture. Well to me anyway. We both sigh at the same time and I feel Austin's warm breath fan against my neck. I feel goosebumps start to rise up my neck and travel all the way down to my arms.

What you do to me Austin, I swear. I lay there staring at the dark navy blue sky, before I feel my eyelids drooping and let sleep wash over and drown me and my senses.

|In the Morning|

I open my eyes to blinding sunlight and a neat clean room with no Austin in bed with me. Did he... did he leave already? Without even saying goodbye? I'm up on my feet in a flash and am rushing out of his room and into the hallway. I'm rushing so fast through the corridor that I bump into someone and knock them over, me falling onto them. An "oomph!" slips out of this person's mouth while I topple on top of them.

"Becky?" I look down to see Austin in all his shaggy haired glory.

"Austin! Oh my gosh, I thought you had left already! You gave me a friggin' heart attack!"

"Aw Becky I'm sorry. My mum came in and told me I had a few minutes left to get ready so I kind of had to clean up as you could probably see and then I needed to go to the bathroom. Sorry, I was going to wake you up. I would never leave without saying goodbye to my best friend. Especially when I'm moving all the way to the other side of the country!" My smile fades a bit so I try to fake smile my way out of this awkward situation.

I get up off of Austin and walk away without another word.

"Aw, Becky. I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"No, no. It's fine Austin. It's nothing, don't worry about it." I quickly wipe away a few tears that escaped my eyes without any permission.

"Becky, don't cry. I'm sorry." He pulls me into his arms and holds me so tight, I can barely breathe. I don't care though, Austin's holding me and that's all that matters.

"Austin! You better be ready! We're leaving in five!" Michelle's voice flows into the room. Holy crap! Was I asleep for that long? That means that Austin's leaving to Miami in five minutes. Five minutes! I can't take this. I pull away from the embrace but Austin holds me close.

"Austin, you need to get ready. You're leaving in five minutes."

"So? Can't I just have a few minutes with my best friend?"

"Well yeah, I guess but just get ready first. We can have our moment at the... um airport."

"Hmm.. alright then. Did you want to ri-"

"No. I mean... noo it's alright. I'll drive myself. I'll meet you there?"

"Are you sure? I mean it's really no pro-"

"It's fine Austin. I'm capable of driving myself to the airport. I'll just text my mum so she knows where I am." A small smirk creases his once pursed lips.

"Alright then. I'll see you in a few." I nod my head and head out side and sit in my car, waiting for Austin to get ready. I guess this is it. In just a few minutes, Austin will be on a plane to Miami and I might never get my chance to confess my love for him.

+ + +

Author's Note

I hope you guys enjoyed this short but hopefully okay chapter :)

I've been working non-stop for like three hours straight (with a couple of snack and social media breaks lol cx) trying to get this chapter up for y'all :D

Dedications anyone?

I'm feeling dedication..ey haha cx I know I'm cheesy and not funny in the slightest DON'T JUDGE KAYY xD


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