Thirteen - Cute Selfies & Tacobell

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//Becky's POV//

🎶Lil stupid ass. I ain't fucking, I-I ain't fucking with you. I ain't fucking with you. Ahh...🎶

As the song ends for the 20th time, I look outside my window to see the sun setting and the sky turning a swirl of different colours. Pinkish orange, with a dash of purple. It's so pretty... I pause whatever song that's playing, pull my phone out and walk over to my window and take some photos of the breath taking view.

I look in my camera roll to see the pictures that I took but my favourite folder seems to catch my eyes and I end up scrolling through that one instead. It's titled:

Me & Austy

A sad smile falls upon my lips as I look at all of the silly selfies that Austin and I took. I glance at all the cute selfies we took as well. My favourite would have to be the one where Austin is kissing my cheek and I'm blushing really hard. I smile and laugh at the memory.



"Okay Austin I think that's enough selfies for one day." I laugh at Austin who is cutely pouting at me. Dang this guy is obsessed with selfies. I laugh even harder at the thought.

"Aww! C'mon Becky. Just one more please!" He drags out the word please while still pouting but I stand my ground.

"No Austin. Remember we have a limit. Only one hundred and ten selfies per day. And you wasted that in 30 minutes." I reply sarcastically being playfully stern with Austin.

"Well it won't hurt to do one more..." His sentence trails off and he looks to the side.

"That's what you said the last time and we ended up with five hundred more!" I poke my tongue at him while he pouts at me even more dramatically.

"Okay, okay. But I promise this time it will only be one more. We can make it special! Seeing as you have nine hundred and ninety nine photos... well and videos, we can make the one thousandth photo the one to remember. Pleaseee?" He waits for my response and as I keep thinking about it, it'd be sweet to have a little souvenir of some sort.

I think about it for a few seconds before huffing and replying.

"Okay fine. Since you put it like that, we can do one more selfie. Only one. Alright?" He nods his head and we position ourselves. Me smiling normally and Austin doing the same. He taps the button and we wait for the timer to reach zero. Just before the flash, Austin turns his head so that he's kissing my cheek. I feel my cheeks flame up as I see the flash signalling that the photo was taken.

We move out of our positions and look at the newly taken photo.

"Aww look at you and your cute pink-tinted cheeks." Austin pokes my cheeks and I gently swat them away while laughing.

"Shut up Austin." I chuckle to myself. Austin goes into the settings and taps 'Brightness and Wallpaper.'

"What are you doing?" I say slowly. Don't tell me he's going to do what I think he's going to do... He doesn't respond, instead he gets that newly taken picture and makes it his lock screen and home screen.

"Austin!" I lightly slap his arm.

"What? It looks cute!" He defends himself.

"People are gonna think we're a couple or something..." My sentence trails off as I think more about it. Not that I would mind that... Just saying.

"So? Who cares? Let them think what they want to think. I think it's cute so I'm gonna keep it like this until we do another cute selfie." He beams at me and I can't help but do the same. His smile is so contagious. I like it so much. I like him so much.

"Wanna go get some Tacobell?" Austin suggests. I nod my head vigorously.

"Do you even have to ask?" I laugh while Austin chuckles.

"Race you to the car?" I suggest with a devilish grin upon my face.

"Last one there has to buy lunch." Austin smirks at me.

"Oh you're on."

Austin counts down. "3... 2... 1..." Before he has time to say go I start sprinting to his car which is all the way on the other side of the park. I hear Austin shouting at me but I laugh it off.
I finally reach the car with Austin hot on my heels. I slam into the car first, seconds before Austin.

"I win! Yes!" I do my victory dance while Austin laughs.

"Fine. C'mon let's go." He opens the door for me and I hop in. He does the same and we drive to Tacobell laughing and reminiscing.

|End of Flashback|

"Becky!" I hear someone shout. I'm startled and turn around to see my mum standing at the door.

"Did you hear me?" I shake my head.

"I asked what you wanted for dinner." She waits for my answer.

"Tacobell." I blurt out. My mum smirks, shakes her head and walks out before saying, "Alright."

I sit down on my bed and listen to my mother's car roaring to life and driving away. I grab my phone and continue scrolling through all of the selfies Austin and I took. I go back to the cute 1000th one and make it my lock and home screen smiling at it. I think I might've been overreacting telling Austin to never come back. Of course I want him to come back! He's my bestfriend for goodness sake! I better go over later, around midnight I'll sneak out so that I can set everything straight. But for now I'll just continue reminiscing and waiting for my Tacobell.

+ + +

Author's Note

Well I hope it was cute enough because I found it really cute tbh cx

Wow I'm such a romantic, emotional sap xD

Hope y'all are enjoying it so far! don't forget to comment and vote <3


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